Chapter 8

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Three months have past

Amu's pov

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. My room had a lot more personality now. The walls were dark purple and the carpet a purplish red color. My sheets were black with purple pillows. In the room on my left I could hear Miki Suu and Ran talking. They still refused to tell me why they had left. And it seemed like they didn't want to be around me. Like there was something wrong with me. Of course these days' people gave me strange looks whenever I went out. Unless I wore loose clothes. I had started wearing a white sweater that had blue cat ears on the hood.

There was a knock on the door. And I got up to answer it. Yoru was standing there. He wore black shorts and a black muscle shirt like usual. He smiled when he saw me. "Morning Amu. Are you ready to go to the doctor?" he asked. I nodded and walked past him. He sighed and followed. I felt bad treating him like this. But he doesn't seem to understand that I don't like him the way I used to. To me he seems more like a brother. I got into his car and buckled up.

It's been three months since anyone has seen Ikuto. Yoru thinks his sister might know where Ikuto is but she refuses to tell. Ikuto where are you, was the only thought that ran through my head these days. I know you left to make me happy. But I'm not mad anymore. I want you to be with me. I was stupid to be mad at you. You were only ever nice to me. You admitted what you did. You asked for forgiveness and I denied you. But now I need you Ikuto. I can't do this on my own. I sighed and looked at Yoru who was focusing on the road.

"Do you think she would at least give him a letter?" I asked suddenly. Yoru looked at me. He thought for a moment and then he answered. "It's a possibility... but I would have to say it's from me. If I told her it was from you she would probably burn it." He admitted. I smiled.

"Hey I think you just missed the turn" I pointed out. He blinked.

"Your right... sees I told you to not distract me while I'm driving... I'm horrible at it." He pouted. I laughed, and patted his shoulder. He pulled into a parking space and turned the car off. I looked at him.

"You can go now Yoru. I think I will walk home today. I feel lazy just sitting around all the time." I said as I got out of the car. He looked at me concerned. "I'll be fine" I said smiling "oh yeah can you stop by the house later to pick up a letter for Ikuto?" he frowned the nodded turning the car back on. Probably just to give him an excuse not to look at me. I closed the door and walked into the doctor's office. The lady behind the counter smiled.

"Hello Ms. Hinamori. Here for your check up?" she asked. I nodded and took the sign in papers that she had offered me. "Your boyfriend not here with you this week?" she asked still smiling. I started filling out the papers. "Yoru? He's not my boyfriend. He's just a close friend. His brother is the father." I explained. The lady frowned. "Now why haven't I met him yet?" she asked as she took back the papers. I reached in my purse for my insurance card. "He and I had a fight and I haven't seen him since but Yoru is going to give him a letter so he might come with me next time." I said a bit sad. She gave me a worried look. "Oh you poor thing" she said. I just shrugged and sat down to wait for my name to be called.

Ikuto's pov

Two days later

I was sitting on the couch at my new apartment. Utau was talking about something stupid. I wasn't really interested in what she was saying. I was more interested in the letter in her hand that had my name on it. I frowned at her and she shut up.

"What's that letter Utau" I said impatiently. She blinked as though just remembering it was there. "Oh yeah Yoru figured out that I know where you are and said that it's fine if I don't tell him as long as I give you this letter from him.... I would have opened it but I figured it's important." She held out the letter and I snatched it from her hand remembering that I had told Yoru to contact me if something important happened to Amu. I ripped it open, and then froze when I realized that it wasn't Yoru's handwriting.

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