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Author's Note:  This is it. This story is my legacy now.
...I gotta be honest. I never planned continue this. The first story was just a dumb thing I wrote while procrastinating years ago. I didn't think people would like it that much! Either way, here's the long awaited chapter 2. Be Warned, I haven't wrote fics in years and this is pretty dumb.  

Their fight seemed the last for hours. Every bullet Dante shot, Vergil would deflect. Anytime Vergil would be in striking distance, Dante would counter him and block his strike. The building began to crumble before your very eyes and you could hardly bear to keep watching them.

You knew they had a lot of stamina, but this was ridiculous.

Gathering all the strength you had, you called out to the brothers in hopes they would listen to reason and stop fighting. Unfortunately, your words fell on deaf ears. Their battle only got more heated as they entered Devil Trigger. More of the building fell as their power increased.

Before you realized it, a chunk of the ceiling broke and was about to land towards you. The moment seemed to pass faster than you could think. One second, you're screaming in terror. The next, a flash of light shines and you're in the arms of a mysterious cloaked figure. Their sudden appearence seemed to finally stop the brothers from fighting.

You looked at the figure with a strange sense of familiarity; White hair, icy blue eyes, and handsome features. He wore a dark purple coat and looked concerned for some reason. It was strange just how similar he looked to the twins. Was there another brother you didn't know about? Before you could thank him for saving you, he asked you,

"Mother, are you ok?!"

You froze. Mother? What was he talking about? While you were lost in thought, Dante and Vergil ran towards the two of you to see what was happening. The figure let you go and spoke once more. "Thank goodness you're ok. I'm your son, Nero. I've come from the future."

You woke up screaming. What the hell kind of dream was that?! You once again head downstairs to confront the brothers. Hearing your hurried footsteps, Vergil immediately grabbed Yamato and warped out the building. This was not worth his time. The sounds of your stomps woke Dante up from a mid-morning nap. He sluggishly watched as you took one of his guns and shot the TV in the corner of the room.

"What was that for?!" he yelled. You threw the gun back on his desk and stomped back upstairs, muttering something about kids and Roman Emperors. 

A Devil Might Cry (Dante x Reader x Vergil)Where stories live. Discover now