chapter 9↠ d i s c o v e r i e s

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It didn't occur to me that my clothes were stolen, probably by my roommates. I had to wait in my cubicle, naked, until all of the male population from gym class had exited.

It was obnoxious because I had to hear remarks like, "Hey Jake, it takes so long for you to put out." and "Your hand is getting its daily dose of exercise."

When the locker room had started to embrace silence, I peeked from my door, still hiding my nude self in case there was still a wandering guy out there.

The coast was clear and I inched my way out slowly, still cautious and very much naked. I had to find something to cover myself in.

So despite my strong urge not to do so, I opened a locker randomly and boy, did I almost faint from its stench. I stooped to the lowest level, wearing dirty and sweaty and used gym clothes.

I zipped the muddy hoodie up and put the wet sweatpants on. If this were any other person and I caught them lurking like this, I would have laughed.

But this was me and it was quite funny, seeing my wig messed up and all and looking very clear that it was just a wig.

If someone walked in here, I would be so caught and my mother would be very disappointed in me and the king would give me a lengthy lecture about discipline.

And I might be grounded and be in a much hurry to marry the prince of their choice, Prince Rupert and if the odds will be with me, I might avoid that mishap.

I hurriedly ran to the parking lot, where everyone was at the end of the school day. I used routes with less people and as I passed, were giving me queer looks.

My wig almost fell from my head and a strand of my brown hair went out but luckily, I caught it from falling in the nick of time.

Fortunately, the parking lot was deserted with only a few cars left, and yet they were on the far sides of the lot. Most of the people left were hipsters and a few athletes who were training.

I bet Ethan and maybe even Cade was their, save if he was actually being a cassanova again. I hurriedly walked to the dorms because apparently the boys weren't there or they evaded me and went on home ahead. I broke into a sprint.

The first thing I'll be doing is taking a shower, because this smell could follow me around for a week. Even if I was dressed as a boy, a princess still has to have her hygiene in check.

And besides the boys will be getting what they'll deserve once I have concocted a plan to get revenge, a prank that'll serve them right.

On my way to the dorms, I ran to our room in a rush, wanting to rid of the putrid smell I had. The revenge plot first, and then a shower.

I unlocked the door. So far, there was no sign that anybody was home. That way, I can stop pretending to be a guy for once and actually remove my wig so I could shower immediately after setting it.

I took a bucket and filled it to the brim with cold water. I was feeling the rush of getting caught with my wig off and so I had to make this fast before jumping in the bathroom.

I set the bucket and took out the ladder and carefully set it on top of the door. Who'll be the lucky one who enters the dorm first? I broke into a giggle as I visualized their faces as the cold water slaps their gorgeous faces.

As soon as I reached the bathroom, I took my clothes off and proceeded to use up the hot water. The warm water cascaded down my body just how I like it and it didn't take a genius to know that I'll be staying there for more than half an hour.

I didn't necessarily hate the cold water. And I was willing to get my skin pruned as long as I wouldn't get that locker room smell floating around me for a week.

There were endless possibilities of what I could do to them, and yet I chose an easy one. I had many resources after all, I was, in fact, in the dorm room. It was all in the name of harmless fun.

I wonder what their reaction will be if cold water would be dumped on top of them. There was a possibility that Ethan would let out a high-pitched shriek. I smiled at that thought.

Suddenly a large racket was heard from outside and I had no doubt that it was the boys, who were as of the moment, drenched.

I giggled and hurried to turn the shower off but it wouldn't budge. I tried again and the water had still continuously poured down, not a sign of it turning off.

I gave it a good knock this time and all it did was giving a much more generous amount of water. I pulled hard and realized this was bad for my cover.

If somebody saw me without my wig, I would most likely be exposed to the public, with the scornful headlines of papers filled with shots taken by the paparazzi.

I decided to ditch the shower and head for my towel and hide in the closet. Only, my towel was outside and it would be a bigger risk if they found that out.

But if they saw me here in the shower, it would be a much bigger humiliation as they will see me nude. Rather than being exposed without a towel, I made a run for it.

It was like I was in a movie, going all slow-motion and like time stopped. It felt like I was not going to get my towel in time. And I realized that was true as the door to my room, burst open and in came my four roommates, with eyes wide open and wet.

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