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Bila ada latihan apa-apa like lakonan, tarian, football, or rugby,

malam tu mesti terbongkang macam nak mampus,

tambah-tambah kalau kau memang jenis cepat penat.

Lagi penat bila kena handle junior yang hyper nak mampus.


P/S : Calling for all my readers yang rumah area Penang and Kedah,

4 November will be a very special day for me.

Sekolah kami akan ada collaboration dengan Aman Palestine which diorang jemput kitorang untuk buat perfomance for two hours, dekat Mydin Jalan Baru Bukit Mertajam.

So sekolah kami buat 4 persembahan,

- Sajak
- Qasidah
- Nasyid
- Pentomin ( lakonan, tapi suara orang lain )

Qasidah dengan Nasyid both boys yang handle, but for Pentomin,

tu girls yang akan conquer. And for sure I am the director and script editor.

I hope that many people will come to watch our perfomance, its an honour for us to see you guys there.

Mark it in your calendar!

See you thereeee ❤

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