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I changed some details from the first prologue I published hope you like it.

My Mother died,our father left us ...

It's hard our eldest made suicide,my sister used drugs,and my brother is an alcoholic.

What a beautiful family right,everything it's perfect (not) everything broken,shattered to pieces.

So I decided to move out with some money I managed to save. I packed all my things,and went out through the window. I bought a bus ticket and went to a far city. It took me hours till I found an apartment to stay. It was a bit big for one person,but it was still cheap.

It had 1 bedroom,a small kitchen and a living room on the center. I paid my 1 month rent and arranged my things. I placed my clothes on the closet,my study lamp on the night table beside the bed after arranging. I went outside to find a school for me to enroll.

Luckily I found one, Sydney National High,I brought my report card just in case. I had to tell them my story and they understood, with my grades they told me that I would be their scholar and that made me so happy.

I went to a grocery store to buy things for food and school. After grocery I went home.

Tommorow is my first day of school.

"Not bad I've got a new school,a new house, but I gotta find a job."

Nah. I'll find one tomorrow after school. I took out my phone, mom gave it to me before she died she said I deserve to have one. A few minutes of using my phone I was fast asleep.

I woke up early I took a bath and got ready for school but the school had no uniform so I decided to wear my blue jeans, a red plaid underneath a plain white shirt and my black and red converse matched with a black cap. After that I ate my breakfast arranged my school bag, it was 6:30am school starts at 8:00am since the school was a bit near I decided to walk.

I arrived school at exactly 7:00am only a few students are there so I decided to go look for my classroom. I looked at the piece of paper I was holding 10-A and looked at a classroom labeled 10-A.

"This is it"

I said with a sigh. I slowly slide the door open and looked around the classroom no one was there. I took a seat at the chair near the window and took a gold view of the outside when I heard the door slide open. A girl entered she had a baby face that made her look like an elementary student. She noticed me looking at her and smiled,a very sweet smile. She sat on the chair in front of me an faced me.

"Hi I'm Chelsie Cornnel, its nice to see a new face on the first day of school." She said offering her hand.

I shaked her hand and introduced myself.

"I-Im Maddison Danford, Its nice to meet you." I said in a shy voice

"I'm 18 but people mistake me for a 13 year old" she said pouting a bit.

" I'm 17 but I look older than you, kinda hard to have a baby face sometimes right" I said now a bit more comfortable.

"I don't know but you don't look like your age either anyway actually you look like 14." She said giggling.

" about I give you a nickname and you give me one."she said with a bright smile.

"Maybe Mads, for Maddison"

"And Chels, for Chelsie"

We said giggling. She was like a kid but she is still older than I am, I think we'll get along.

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