Chapter 1: Gotta get out

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Chapter 1: Gotta get out

After the annoying yet terrifying staring game with Krizel, Chels and Rica asked if I wanted to have my recess with them at the canteen. I declined their offer as polite as possible, instead I asked the direction to the bathroom. As I enter the bathroom I immediately occupied the last cubicle. Again I felt the same piercing pain on my chest. Dammit no, not today. Before I knew it I passed out.


"Hey dork!" Rio said pushing my brother against the wall.

"I don't have money today Rio." My brother begged.

"Aaaww,want me to feel sorry for you" Rio said pretending to worry.

"But it's true I—GAH!" my brother shouted as Rio punched him on the gut.

Just then I saw them(the younger me) while walking around the school looking for Nick. My brother was already spitting blood.

"If you don't have money then what do you call this huh?Dork!" Rio shouted showing the money he got from my brother.

"Th-that's for M-maddie's Bir-birthday." My brother said.

"Nick!" I came running.

"M-maddie stay aw-way." He said holding my shoulder tight. I glared at them and stood up covering my brother.

" I'll give you three choices:
First: leave us alone.
Second: Stop bothering us and;
Third: I'll beat the hell out of you and your goons here. And with every  wrong choice there ARE consequences they are either good or bad ones. So what's your pick?" I asked with a grin.

" The third please. Like you can really beat us, it's 5 guys against 1 girl." Rio said laughing.

"Watcha gonna do punk?" Rio said pushing my forehead with his index finger.

"This" I said with an evil grin. With one swift move all 4 of his goons were severely injured.

"P-punk ? No stop don't!"Rio exclaims as my fist almost met his face, but I stopped.

"If I see you messing with Nick again, I'm gonna kill you with NO mercy" I said punching him in the gut.

"First I'll tie you in a chair and I'll torture you, like cutting your fingers, or stitching your mouth. What do you think? Huh?" I said nearing my mouth to his ears. His knees had given up to fear ,the reason why I can reach his ear.

"I-I'll s-stop" he said stuttering with fear.

"Good, I'll give you three chances. When the third comes your dead. And don't even tell the teachers or principal about this, if either one of you will, consider yourselves dead." I said pretending to slit my throat.

"Now GO!" I shouted my eyes widen. Then they ran. Like chickens who lost their heads.

After that I went to my brother to carry him ,but just as we were half way to our house I passed out.

I awoke due to the girls shouting and chatting with glee.

" I don't want to let it out, no more please, just don't come out" I begged myself.

After calming myself a bit I went out the cubicle and find my way back to the classroom

"Hey Mads! Where have you been?" Chels greeted me cheerfully.

" The washroom" I answered bluntly.

"Here" Rica handed me a canned juice and a sandwhich

"Don't worry it's a treat" Chels said

"Thank you"I replied opening the canned juice.

"So where are you from?" Rica interviewed.

"I'm from Rockhampton,Australia"I answered after taking a bite on the sandwhich, our break is 30 minutes so we still have time for chatting.

"Rockhampton in Queensland?" we turned to a boy with blonde curly hair held by a bandana, he's one of the four prince as I recall.

"Prince Ashton" Chels said slightly bowing her head.

"Please stop with the 'prince' thing were still students." He said. Oh he's very modest huh.

"But Queen Krizel said–"

"Krizel doesn't control our life" the other prince with black hair said.

"Or anyone's" the prince with piercing said.

"But prince Calum" Rica said looking with the black haired prince.

"Prince Luke " Chels said bowing to the prince with the piercing.

" If we do not address you these, King Axle and Queen Krizel will hunt us."

"If you're so afraid then why'd you enroll here?" The prince with the dyed hair said, not even looking at us.

"Didn't you come here to learn?" He followed.

" I could ask you guys the same." I said.

"Do you think we planned this?" Calum asked me.

"No,but it was planned for you." I answered.

"Tsk,tsk,tsk" we turn around to see a cross armed Krizel and Axle.

"I see your not addressing them as 'prince'." Krizel said raising an eyebrow.

Someone's POV

"They asked for it, so I gave it to them" the new girl answered. It was supposed to be Michael to cover things up.

"And you followed" A grumpy Axle followed. God this new girl is brave.

" of course." She said raising one eyebrow.

"Who do you think you are? Who do you think your dealing with? Do you even know who we are?" Krizel asked continuously.

" Who do I think I am? I'm Maddison Raze Danford, who do I think I'm dealing with? A king and queen wanna be who also happens to be control freaks. Do I even know who you guys are? Krizel Riggs and Axle Richards the richest people in the campus." Damn she's brave, I almost feel sorry for her.

"Now you're dead" Krizel says with flaming eyes.

"I'll get you out of this school, I'll make you commit suicide,I can even assassinate you. I can make your life miserable. YOU'RE DEAD!" Krizel roared.

" I hate suicide so no thanks,get me out of the school? Fine, there are plenty more schools who'll surely accept me. Assassinate me, I don't wanna be killed by a stranger plus I hate murderers so no thank you. Make my life miserable? It already is." She said walking near Krizel.

" You know you may think you're the most powerful in the world. You like to act tough but there are people who can see behind a mask and I'm one of them, I know you're not tough, your weak,lonely and a coward inside. You want others to think you have the best life when you don't ,in fact you envy those you send out of school. Me dead?" she whispers enough for the 6 of us to hear.

"I already am"

Maddison says in a smirk, then walked away. Leaving an Axle and Krizel frozen in shock.I can't blame them its the first time they were treated like that. Especially since she's a new girl.

Maddison's POV

I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, its just that sometimes... It's... Gotta get out.



Hope you like my first chapter. Please continue reading it. The mysteries will start probably on the next chapters I hope you like it. Comment tips,plots,cases,or even ciphers you want me to use for this story. Thank you deers.

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