The Blondie

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present (18 years old) Suishou's POV a/n I really like add funny comments to my story like

So Kumiko and Natsu went somewhere because they heard their dragons name in Hargeon so instead Gray and I went on job request I knew Kumiko was going to kill me if she knew because she liked gray a lot. (a lot ;-;)

"gray did you find request" I asked again

" I told you already... I found one" gray answered

"yay lets go" I said going to gray and told him"if you tell Kumiko that I went on request with you she going to kill me so promise me you wont" in a sweet, sad voice and making him going into make trap

"its not going to work sui but I wont tell Kumiko..."

" HEY, Mira me and gray went a job request" I said as gray handed Mira the paper.

We left the and went on the request
*time skip at the train station*

"Grayyyyy not the train lets walk"i whinned
"No if we walked it would take days to get there now get in" shoving me in the train
Everyone on the train and train station was looking at us as I was screaming
*5 mintues later*
"Gra...." I puked out the window
"Yes" he smirk
"Ok" laughing
*2 hours*

"yay we are finally here and kumiko isn't here yet so yay"

"I'm just happy that we are here and I don't have to hear you whine through the trained ride"

We went inside and I went and Mira took Winter into the infirmary and she was sleeping I kept checking once in a while then Kumiko and Natsu came in and just when he came he just had to start a fight (really Natsu not even 5 second) then I saw a blond girl who had boobs and look like a sl*t to be honest but anyways. So Kumiko came and sat next to Gray and I and told her what happened today and that's how the blondie came.

"Hey! Suishou how was the job with Winter?"

I had to lied cause if she found out that I went on a job with gray she would be mad at me and I don't want one-chan to be mad (heheh maybe I do we may never know)

"Eh, i-it was fine, I g-guess. Winter got hurt though so she's in the infirmary." I said leaving the some part(so I didn't lie I just left some part out)

These dragon slayers, also known as the Yin and Yang, are Kumiko and Suishou Yuki. They are twins that seem to be special to Fairytail. Their marks are different than any other.  Suishou has Crystal and diamond Dragon Slaying Magic. She can make any weapon out of crystal or diamond.Kumiko here has Ice Dragon Slaying Magic, Ice-Make, and many more that I cannot name. (cause I forgot).They can be the same when they want to and be completely different the next minute. Kumiko likes to be called Night though, and has... Well... Uh...                                                        She has a bit of a stripping problem. Which need to stop come on Kumiko your better then this.

Then Gray how to start a fight with Natsu but he was in his freaking boxers nobody needs to see that

This is Gray Fullbuster. A very talented Ice-Make mage ( cant believe I said that but its true), but well... He also has a stripping problem which is much worse than Kumiko's. He has known Kumiko  since he was a child.

"Gray your pants!" I yelled



Over here we have Cana. Cana Alberona, currently holds the title of Fairy Tail's heaviest drinker

I heard Natsu roast Gray while Elfman stood up and said that he was a 'real man'. Hah! If that is man then Kumiko is more than a man. Loke was once again being surrounded by girls, but he went up to Kumiko again and tried to flirt with her .

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