He's back

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Suishou's (POV)

So I knew that Kumiko, Natsu and blondie (forgot her name) went to Mt.Hakobe to find Mike and Romeo father but I couldn't do that because  I had to take care of winter she was still weak she took a hard blow. So I went to Mike and Romeo to make sure they were fine after what happened. I told Mira just to take of the

*time skip*

I was walking to them and I see them just there crying to I went up to them and gave them a hug as they cried on me

"hey guys I promise he's coming back" I said

"no he's not" mike said  


"Fairy Tail wizards are a joke guys."

"Yea everybody knows thats they just drink all day."

"I'm gonna be a knight when I grow up, not some dumb wizard like you Mike."

"Yeah their dirty and smell like booze"

Little boys were saying this to Romeo and his brother Mike.

-Another time-

"Please Dad, go take a job."

"We can't handle all of this teasing anymore."

Macao then smiled at his to boys. "Sure!"

~Flashback end~

"Its all our fault suishou if we haven't told dad to take a job he would he with us right now" Romeo said busting into tears

"he's right suishou" mike said.

"its not your fault guys its never your fault" I replied

"YES IT IS...if we haven't listen to those bullies" Romeo cried

"remember stay strong and don't give up no matter what"

I felt sad for them I know what they are going through. Not seeing their dad wondering when he is coming back. If he is okay. If there coming back or when. I felt myself crying but I had to stay strong I didn't want to cry in front of them

~flash back~ 3rd person

"mommy where are you "  suishou cried

''m-m-mommy come back please come back"  she kept crying as she a note

*time skip*

" no no no not again no please don't do this to me mommy" 

Suishou wept in the darkness

" what did I do to deserve this"

"im alone again"

She cried

~flash back end~

I was on my knees crying and i didn't stop as Mike and Romeo looked at me i felt ashamed of myself.

"hey sui why you crying?"

"...yeah...im okay don't worry"

I saw Night , Natsu and MACAO coming by this way and I smiled but I knew that they were going to bring them back come its them we are talking about. 

 "Hey Mike, Romeo!" Natsu said waving with one arm and holding up Macao with the other as Night did the same.

"DAD!!" They both tackled him to the ground crying. "I can handle it cuz we're a wizards son!"

"Next time this bullies pick on you i want you to say, 'Can your old man take out 19 monsters cuz mine can!'"

They were walking back to the guild.



"Thanks for your help!"

The team waved at them with a smile on their face. Night sent them little unmeltable snowflakes as a gift. "Your welcome" She said smiling that smile that she would only use towards the two boys. I smiled because their family was finally reunite.


They ran up to me and hug me.


"thank you for everything"

"hey its no problem and any time"

I walked back to the guiled only to tackled by winter.

"WINTER!" I cheered happily.

"Sui I missed you"

"Same here"

I see Kumiko, Natsu

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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