nothing without you ;

301 19 17

He went home late again tonight. Just like every other night, he stepped into his house as silent as he can. It was quiet inside, so he guessed they're already asleep. His parents, and his 5 year old sister, Yuni. He made his way to his room, walking pass Yuni's bedroom. He heard silent sobs. He peeked into the half closed bedroom door, only to see his mom silently crying. As much as he want to ignore it, he can't. She is his mom, after all. And he hate to see her cry.

He knew about their fights but have never expected a woman as strong as his mom, would break down like that. He sucked in a breath and made his way to the room. She saw him, and quickly wiped her tears away. She forced a fake smile and went over to Yuni, as if tucking her in. He sighed befor speaking.

"Did you just came home?" she asked him, avoiding eye contact. He hummed and nodded as an answer.

"You should stop coming home late. I made dinner for you, but it's probably cold now. Go, I will heat it up," she stood up and he followed.

"God, why am I such a coward? I don't even have the guts to ask her if she cried." he thought.

He sighed again, as if that's the only thing he can do.

They made their way to the kitchen, on the kitchen table revealing food she cooked. While heating it up, the atmosphere was completely silent, only sniffs from his mom was heard.

After she heated everything up, she sat next to his as he eat. He had actually eaten outside earlier but, he don't want her hardwork to go to waste. He forced himself to swallow the food into his stomach which already has no more space. She sniffed once again and he decide to ask.

"Eomma, did you cry?" she hesitated before answering.

"No, Euigeon-ah. I was just having flu," she lied. He could see it from the way she say those words.

(Euigeon is Daniel's real name in case you guys didn't know. He changed it to Daniel because a lot of people has trouble pronouncing the word eui)

"If that bastard hurt you, you should tell me," he said to her. He just wish she would trust him, believe in him. He's the only responsible man in this family, besides that douchebag. He didn't even want to call him "dad". He is a grown man now, and he need to protect his mother and sister. He can't just leave them.

"He's still your dad, Euigeon-ah," his mom said, trying to calm him. With his anger boiling, he swallowed down his last scoop of rice before speaking.

"I rather have no father, than have a father like him," he stormed off to his room and locked the door. He's really sick and tired of coming back to this house, to see his mother and sister looking sad and scared.

Why did it has to be this way? Why can't my dad just be a good father like he used to be? We used to be so happy. So, very happy. Until that wench came. She came from a wealthy family, has a bigger company than my dad. Which made him decide to hook up with her.

He was angry and embarrassed to be acknowledged as his son. He tossed and turned on my bed that night, unable to shut my eyes. He sighed and stared at his empty ceiling. He had everything others would've wanted, but he still felt empty. He still feel sad, as if something is missing. He opened the door of my window, and place his elbow againts the balcony. He stared out into the distance, breathing in the night breeze.

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