06 - Lonely

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"Hey... My kookieeee" Jimin run to the younger.

The younger surprised. He surprised of the sudden presence of Jimin.

"Ah h-hey hyung" Jungkook breath hitch.

Its been a long time since he talk to jimin. Its feels like a dream talking to jimin. After 3 years.

"Jiminiee i really miss you. Dont go anymore. I will not let you go anymore please be with me forever hyung. Please." jungkook on knees as he sobbing. He wailed.

"No jungkook... Hyung must go. Its about time, please wait a little while. Alright? Do it for me kookie" Jimin smiled and slowly his eyes closing. Every time jungkook try to reached the older. The older always out of his reach.

Suddenly water like blood rushed to the room. The room filled with blood and jimin slumped in front of him.

He cried. "H-hyung.. Why must i wait. I wait long enough.. Hyung.. HYUNGGG NOOO"

Jungkook woken up by a voice of the monitor. "Beeeeeeeep.."

From outside the room it can be heard that jungkook shouted.


A lonely shout.

I'm Sorry [Jikook] Where stories live. Discover now