Date? Who?

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Juvia:" why does it seem that I got the feeling that something is in my kitchen...."

Walks over to see Lyon icing an egg instead of frying an egg.....and her kitchen all messed up....

Juvia:" what the hell are you doing?! my kitchen!!!just how many eggs were you planning to waste!"

Lyon:" ah...juvia chan ohayou! aren't you gonna get ready for our date?..."

Juvia:" huh?what do you mean?date? since when?"

Lyon:" since you confessed to me....(blush) we gotta start this celebration by a date now go change!breakfast is ready"

Juvia thoughts " how am I suppose to eat that...."

Juvia :" confess huh? I wouldn't call that as a confession though...."

Gray who was in her room sleeping the whole time:" what confession...."

Juvia:" eh? gray sama?! when did you....(blush)"

Gray:" I was here since last night ....don't tell me you never knew...."

Juvia:" eh???? than we did that....?"

(blushes even harder)

Gray:( coughs)" I would never attack a sleeping beauty... so relax....we didn't do it..."(blush)

Juvia: "gray sama is blushing...."

Gray:" urusei! anyway what's with that ruckus...."

Lyon barges in just then :" juvia chan are you ready ....ah....grrrraaayyy....."

Gray:" I remember you saying that the one who lost the showdown is to leave juvia once and for all?!did you forget?!"

Lyon:" hmph! juvia confessed to me...i couldn't take no for a reply...."

Juvia:" gray sama chigau I didn't ....that was just my condolences to him...."

Gray puts his hand to juvia's lips and murmurs " I know you don't have to explain"

Gray pulls juvia away behind him...

Gray:" you better not bother her anymore or you'll know the feeling of death...(glares at Lyon ) now...lets go juvia!"(smiles)

Juvia:" gray sama where are we going? juvia can't wait!"

Lyon:" she was never this eager to go on a date with me....but I won't lose! let's go juvia!"(pulls juvia's hand)

Gray thoughts " is he trying to rebel ...alright then I'll show him who juvia really likes"

Gray:"(sadistic smile)alright then let's start our 3 persons date!"

Next part : date part 2? the amusement park?

Juvia:" yay! I wanna go on the roller coaster with gray sama !"

Lyon:" I won't lose to you ! gray!"

Love triangle of Lyon,Gray and JuviaWhere stories live. Discover now