The beach >~<

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Juvia:" waaa....sugoi...this swimming suit is just juvia's type....gray sama would love it for sure...."
Juvia thoughts" imagine gray sama in his swimming maybe ....he won't even wear one....he'll be naked again I guess....>~<"
Lyon thoughts " juvia chan may faint of heat stroke....this sun tan lotion...I'll apply it on her smooth skin...."(nosebleed)
Gray thoughts:" 12th June ....did I forget something?"
(12th June , Lucy ,Natsu and happy are going to the beach as well )
Juvia:" waaahhh....the much water here.....juvia's territory ...."
Natsu:" ah... Lucy ! isn't that....gray...?!what's he doing here for? he is with juvia....what a rare sight..."
Lucy:" eh? why are they here? are they here on a date as well?"(blush)
Natsu:"anyway I don't think I'll be swimming so go on ahead...I can't swim afterall.... I guess I'm not good in water afterall...."
Lucy jumps into the sea and swims about getting further away from the shore then suddenly she gets a cramp and struggles for help before drowning...gray who saw everything:" Lucy ! she's drowning!"(dashes to the sea)
Gray uses his magic and formed an ice surface below Lucy pulling her to the shore....

Juvia who noticed gray was gone started looking for him and Natsu who couldn't find Lucy decided to look around the shore to see gray with Lucy and gray trying to perform CPR on her by mouth..."

Natsu punches gray away from Lucy and performs CPR on Lucy through mouth....luckily Lucy started breathing and regaining conscious after spitting lots of water out....

(Lucy was actually gray's first unrequited love, a relationship gray could never forget as he still holds feelings for her...)

Juvia(sobs):" gray love with her..."(dashes away)
Gray chases after juvia:" juvia! wait! juvia!listen to me! juvia!"
Lyon:" juvia chan....was crying...."
Lyon pulls gray and shouts:" what did you do to make her cry? , you bastard!"
Juvia:" stop it! don't hurt gray sama! I won't forgive you Lyon sama if you hurt him!"(tears rolled down her face as she runs away)
Natsu:" gomene today was supposed to be fun yet it became like this...."
Lucy:" just now did you save me?..."
Natsu:" gray did...."
Lucy:" eh? "
Natsu:" gray still likes you...."
Lucy:" don't worry I promise you...I'll only love you..."
Happy:" look ! Natsu ! lushee! I caught a fish !"
Lucy:" uwah! it's disgusting get it away from me! baka! "
Next part
Gray and juvia break up? and reconcile again?

Love triangle of Lyon,Gray and JuviaWhere stories live. Discover now