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Welcome everyone to Book Two! Whoop Whoop!! Made it this far!! If you're new, you might want to read the first one - might not be necessary as you get the general gist. If you've stuck with this from the first, thank you for the support :*

There will be some minor changes and such but not many. I'm changing over who would play Rosie, just because Emilia looked beautiful without the braids in her wig. Swoon.

But without further ado...


Rosie had lost everything. Her lover, her child, everything she held dear to her in that moment of time. The very Sun in the sky lost to her as she wandered aimlessly around the Palace, the guards keeping a sensitive eye on her as she staggered through, the darkness of the night masking her pain. Suns had set, and full moons had risen since his death by the endless coil of days did nothing to ease the swell of loss in her heart.

It wouldn't be long until the sun rose once more, the sky having already settled on a cornflower blue before slowly giving up to the oranges in the distance.

The Lannisters, the dirty bastards that they were, sent Oberyn back in a box, not having the decency for anything else; and Rosie, being nothing more than a childless widow was powerless to their vicious claws. Tears streamed soundlessly down her face as her hand reached to caress the colourful pillars, her fingers brushing like prongs against the tiles. Her body was still reeling from the effects of the pregnancy, not even the dresses could hide that, or the turned mirrors.

It was like a hole had been cut in her chest, the gape clear to everyone who passed her; their eyes drifting to it, drawing attention to it. What she would do to disappear, to disappear not only from the world but from her mind, it was almost as though she craved the sweet release of death.

Ellaria stood at her door as she heard the familiar shuffle of wanderless feet, the girl she had once hated brokenly stumbling around for her lost love. It reminded her so deeply of a ghost wandering the halls, the hair not helping. Her own tear stain face did no justice to the breadth of mourning Dorne had taken, almost all wearing black for their fallen Prince. Despite having left it all behind, she came back once she found out, almost immediately slipping back into the way of life. Rosie needed her just as much as she needed Rosie, the two girls having been left behind by the one thing they treasured most. "Rosie, come here my Love." She called out, the girl's head turning to look at the woman.

She had a permanent soulless look on her pale face now, the indigo like liquid horror amongst the red of her eyes and cheeks. Rosie moved slowly into Ellaria's embrace, the feeling still unusual as the two girls set aside their differences. Rosie was a lot smaller than she was, Ellaria's chin resting on top of her head as they comforted one another.

It wasn't until she had gotten back to Dorne that she lost herself to the grief, her strong front crumbled once the girls embraced her. Oberyn and Nym were her everything, the foundations that she built her new self on; and now those foundations have crumbled.

Ellaria released her to arm length, looking over her before turning to the side. "Come on in, you need some sleep." She muttered, the smaller girl shuffling her feet as she glanced around softly at Ellaria's newly appointed quarters. They weren't too bad; spacious inside, with a short trip to the girls's rooms. She crumbled into the sheets, the black robe around her spreading across like a thick blanket. The indigo fluttered close with bruised eyelids, Ellaria sighing still. A slither of white peaked from a pocket, the curiosity blooming in her chest as she slowly inched closer. Rose was out for the count, the fan of white fluttering around her head as Ellaria reached forward, grasping whatever it was in her pocket.

She sat beside Rose, resting a hand on her leg as she pulled it open.

My Rosie,

If you're reading this, it means I didn't make it through the trial and with all of the sorrow in my heart - I'm sorry, my Love. I didn't mean to fail you and Nym, I wanted to do it for you, for Elia. I hope in the wake of my death, Nym is providing you with a much needed distraction, one that will hopefully leave you from your grief.

I'm so proud of you for bringing our child into the world, and for being my wife. I know the Martells aren't the easiest to handle, but you'll make it. You always showed a strength to you. Tell Nym that I love him everyday, tell the girls that too - Gods know what a fool I was for doing the trial, even more so for losing. Look after them for me, I want them to still know love when I'm not there, to know that their father's proud of them and that he loves them.

Tell Doran I'm sorry too, for leaving him to be the only surviving one of us too, I suppose if I didn't win, I didn't calculate my chances too well. I hope you can quell the rage that the three eldest will be experiencing, I don't want them to avenge me but if they do, just give them the letters I left in my robe.

Tell Ellaria that I forgive her, if she returns; that I am terribly sorry for the pain I caused her. It seems I have a way of causing pain to the one's I love, if not on purpose but wholly by accident.

If by some divine miracle that the Mountain is still alive, I want you to kill him - I want you to show him what he's done to you and our family. The bastard makes my blood boil.

Don't let the Lannisters touch us, I don't want their filth tainting us.

I love you - the love of my life; stay beautiful and ruthless and fearless, you'll always be my Queen. I'm sorry I couldn't conquer Westeros with you, a regret I'll hold in my heart. Until we meet again, look for me in the stars.

Oberyn Nymeros

Ellaria sobbed at the familiar hand of her ex-lover, the words that he poured on the page tugging at her heart as she read each and everyone of the words on the page. Perhaps there was a small part of him that knew he was going to do, that he doubted his survival in the combat - why else would he have written that letter? Ellaria shook her head, folding it back neatly before laying it beside Rose; she needed to do something, and something quick.

Ellaria rose from the bed, her mind already turning like clockwork as she hurried quickly to where she knew the three daughters would reside, a smile on her cunning face. It was time to get the Lannisters right where they got her.

Sorry it's so short!

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