The Freaky One

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As the high of meeting fans and taking pictures started to ease off the dawning of realisation was closing in. Maybe Andy didn't mean to kiss me, maybe it was a big mistake or maybe he regrets it.

I don't regret it. It was so liberating and freeing. He kissed me in a way no one has every kissed me before. He has made me so happy this past couple of weeks as he has been one of the best friends anyone could ask for. In no way shape or form could he of the whole of BVB fill the hole of Dramatic Justice.

BVB are like my family know and I wouldn't change that for the world. "Hey Lady?! Earth to the freaky one!" CC is waving his hand in front of my face, quickly taking me away from my thoughts. "If anything YOU are the freaky one" I nudge at his chest and laugh.

"We're gunna go for drinks, you coming?" He slumps his arm over my shoulder and talks directly into my ear hole cause me to wince. "Jesus CC, do you absolutely have to be that fucking close, you're going to deafen me!" I break free from his arm to should brace and stand opposite him like two fucking normal people in a conversation.

"Yes, I shall attend drinks, can I freshen up first?" I reply to his earlier question with another question, I seem to do that a lot. "Go for it girl, just don't take hours" he salutes me and walks back to rest of the guys I presume to explain that I am going to make myself presentable for the act of beverages.

I go back to the bus and find some nicer clothes, black jeans and a shirt to be exact. I decide to go and have what I call "half a shower", the act of a shower but not washing your hair because I don't have all the time in the world.

After what I deem to be the quickest shower I think I have ever taken, I put on my chosen outfit with boots and a long necklace. I also decided on sorting my hair to some sort of fashion, I did not feel like the birds nest look today.

The kiss Andy and I had keeps lingering in the back of my head. I'm just praying to god that I don't get super wasted and end up doing something I'll regret.

------------TIME HOP----------

We arrived at a bar and grabbed a booth for 6. Ashley, Jake and Andy immediately go up to the bar to order drinks leaving me, CC and Jinxx. "Dude you rocked today," Jinxx stated with a big smile "you had so much energy, something like that is hard to find nowadays" his words touched me as he has noticed how passionate I was on that stage.

"Thanks Jinxx, it was an honour to perform with you guys today. My dreams come true!" I threw my arms to the sky as if I have had a miracle. I mean it's half true is it not?

The rest of the guys come back with our drinks in hand too, we drank and laughed for a while. Each telling m stories of their experiences on the road and I had a huge smile on my face. I had all this to come, who was I going to tell my tour stories to?

"How are you finding things?" Andy questioned, his voice so velvety smooth like liquid chocolate. "Absolutely incredible. It's a life changing experience" I beamed. A few more drinks went down and we all ended up on the dance floor. Ashley was popping and locking, CC was dad dancing, Jinxx and Jake were having a dance off and me and Andy were just making fools of our selves.
"Thank you for all of this, I'm the happiest girl in the world right now" I shouted over the music into Andy's ear.  He seemed to get very close very quickly to the point where our race were almost touching. He leant down to talk to me over the loud music.

"Is do anything for you, Nickii. The pleasure is all mine" he whispered slowly in my ear, his voice made me shiver but feel so good at the same time. I think I'm falling for this man.

He traces is soft fingers across my jawline and locks his eyes onto mine. I froze, I didn't know what to do. Does he want me to kiss him? Does he know that I want to kiss him?

He laughed that sweet laugh of his, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You said that out loud you dick" his eyes were so mesmerising. I could defend my stupidity before he softly placed his lips ontop of mine. We moved in sync with each other, drowning out any music and just focusing on us. I don't think I'm falling for Andy, I think I've already fell.

We broke apart when we heard someone clear their voice to signal our attention. There stood a blank faced CC, arms crossed and fingers dancing on his bicep.


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