Love + Hate

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Rachel's P.O.V.

Annabeth's nails dug into my wrists as she dragged me to the Poseidon cabin.

"Annabeth, I really don't want to do this!" I bit my lip. Why was I overreacting? It's just a boy! Just a stupid silly crush! But, ugh, I get so embarrassed and nervous when I'm around him!

"It'll be good! Besides, he loves the sea! He'll really appreciate this!" I opened my mouth to argue, but I knew it was no good. So I shut up. "Here we are!" She let go of my wrist, I grabbed it and started rubbing it. It was bleeding. Gods dammit! Because I had grabbed my wrist, I had dropped my sketchbook, which Annabeth picked  up. "Nice."

"Um, aren't we not allowed to go in other gods' cabins?" I muttered nervously. 

"Oh please. Percy and I are in each other's cabins all the time!"  

"Oh--ok...I guess-" before I could finish my sentence, she ran in, and I supposed I should follow her, so I did. I walked in to see Percy and Annabeth hugging. This got me a tad jealous, but I tried to keep my cool.

"Oh hey Rachel! What are you doing here? Did Annabeth drag you?" He glanced at Annabeth, raising his eyebrows. Annabeth made little puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry Seaweed Brain! But it was worth it! Look at this beautiful artwork!" Annabeth handed the sketchbook to Percy, with her arm around his waist. I narrowed my eyes a touch. Was Annabeth trying to flirt with my man? I mean, Annabeth's nice and all, but if it comes down to me and her, Percy will be mine! I was interrupted from my thoughts by Percy saying,

"Wow Rachel! This is really beautiful! You should do more stuff like this!" Annabeth looked at Percy, like she was shocked. "What?!" He said glancing at Annabeth.

"You actually didn't say something stupid Seaweed Brain! I don't think that's ever happened before! Congratulations!" 

"Oh shut up Wise Girl." He lightly punched her in the shoulder. She just giggled. Then suddenly, she put down the sketchbook, and hopped on Percy's back, in piggyback. 

"Ummm...pardon me asking, but, uh, what are you doing?" Annabeth laughed. Her laugh was pretty. Like bells ringing. 

"He's my own personal chariot!"

"She makes me carry her places when she doesn't want to walk. Sometimes, she's actually willing to walk, but just wants me to carry her." Annabeth slapped Percy in the face gently.

"Shut up." Annabeth said. I giggled. It was a little funny. 

"Ok, Annabeth, can you get down now?"

"Why?" Annabeth asked, making her puppy eyes again. 

"Because you don't have to actually go anywhere."

"Fine." She hopped down from his back. "I'm bored. I'm gonna go see if anything interesting's happening!" She ran to the window. She made a sound like a mix between a gasp and her choking. Percy came and smiled. I came and was utterly baffled. Annabeth managed to say,

"It's, it's....."


Drama! (A Perachel vs. Percabeth story)Where stories live. Discover now