Anger and Revenge

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Rachel was pacing the fields, trying to think of a way to get back at Annabeth, and win over Percy. She calmed herself and walked into the Poseidon cabin. 

"Hey Perc." Rachel said, leaning on a wall and playing with her curls with her finger. Percy turned around, and Rachel found out he wasn't alone. One of the new Athena campers sat with him, Chyanne Willow Harison. I despised her, and she despises me. 

"What are you doing here you worm?" Rachel sneered. Chyanne turned to Rachel and smiled.

"Oh! We were just talking about you!" Chyanne shot back.

"Oh really?" Rachel said, feigning interest.

"Oh yes!" Chyanne stood up. "We were talking about how we're gonna kick your ass. Nobody talks to my sister like you did!" Percy stood up, glaring at Rachel.

"Nobody talks to my girlfriend like you did." Percy said, with emphasis on girlfriend. 

"FINE!" Rachel shouted, storming out. She passed the Athena cabin, and came up with a genius idea. "Hey Annabeth!" Annabeth turned around and stared Rachel down with a cold hard stare. 

"What the hell do you want? I'm a little busy as you can see." Rachel looked at all the blueprints scattered on her bed, and the computer with the triangle instead of an apple. 

"Oh...yeah...sorry about that..." Rachel muttered, pretending to be nice. Annabeth just got angrier.

"If you're going to say something, just get over with it." Annabeth said.

"Oh right." Rachel said, remembering why she had come. "I saw Percy kissing Chyanne. Thought you should know." Rachel expected Annabeth to flip out, and immediately break up with Percy. But instead she remained calm. Before she even was able to say how Percy's fatal flaw was loyalty, and that he would never do that, a knife was held at Rachel's throat. Rachel looked up, saw Chyanne's furious face, and knew she was dead.

"You tell anymore of those stupid lies, and I won't be so generous." Chyanne said as she removed the knife from Rachel's neck. "But then again, you deserve no mercy." She studied Rachel for a second, then punched Rachel square in the jaw. She managed to mutter,

"I love you Percy." Before she fainted and fell on her head.

Drama! (A Perachel vs. Percabeth story)Where stories live. Discover now