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After graduation, we let loose during the summer.

"Nolan! Give me back my bra, you brat!" I chased Nolan down the hall, only for Nash to walk by and snatch my bra from Nolan's hands.

"Aw, Nash, you're no fun!"

"Leave my girlfriend's underwear alone, you perv!"

Nolan grumbled as Nash handed my bra back to me. I kissed him and plodded to my room to find Nathan and Noah reading my journal.

"Oh, Nash is so dreamy. The way he kisses me. I can't wait to have his hands," Nathan said.

I snatched my journal out of Nathan's hands.

"Aw, come on! We were getting to the excellent parts!"

"What have I told you about reading my journal?" I smacked Nathan.

"I thought you were burning your journal?" Noah asked me.

I glared at him. "Get out!" I pointed at the door.

"You're no fun," Nathan said.

The demon spawn left the room.

Thick sole shoes clunked up the stairs. Oh, great. Nixon was home. I popped my head out of my door.

"What?" He gave me an annoyed face.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"Stop looking at me like that! It's creepy!"

"You're creepy! Stop being a whiny crybaby." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He returned the favor.

Someone yanked me out of my room, picked me up, and tossed me onto a bed. Well, okay, then.

"Why must you annoy my brothers?" Nash asked me.

"Because that's what sisters do." I smirked.

He pulled me into a kiss, then stared at me.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer."

He rolled his eyes. I giggled before his lips came crashing onto mine.

Life was back to normal. The boys drove me crazy, and I drove them crazy, but we're crazy together. Oh, did I forget to mention that Nate and Pat were taking the family on vacation as a graduation gift for the summer? They wanted to spend time with everyone before life became hectic. I couldn't wait.

The doorbell rang. We stuck our heads out of our doorways and investigated the hallway. Then the doorbell rang again. Who was at the front door?

We made our way downstairs and watched. Pat came out of the kitchen.

Nate opened the door. "Jonas? Cayson? What are you doing here?"

"Weren't you the one that invited us to go on vacation with you?" Jonas asked him.

"Well, yeah."

"Well, here we are. And we brought our families, too." Cayson grinned.

The brothers and I glanced at each other. Nate looked at us, then back at his brothers. There goes the neighborhood. God, save us.

To continue in The Gray Brothers: It's All Relative.

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