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Violet was leaving the human world. Her motorcycle kicking dirt behind it just like a wolf would. Good riddance the wolf would say to humanity. However, Violet had become accustomed to leaving the world she was born in for the world her nature loved.

Violet didn't mind it. There were a few short moments where her hair got to blow in the wind, and the sun kept it just warm enough underneath the shade of the canopy. It was so natural out there where no one was, no pack, no city lights. It was so peaceful. Just Violet riding her bike and being herself. She wished things were always that natural, that simple.

This peaceful moment was coming to an end though. She could hear pack pups playing in the forest and smell grilling meat, making the animal in her salivate. She licked her elongating teeth unable to help herself as the first house came into view.

Her bike rolled on richer soil now. The rich dirt roads were lined with the grass of pack member's homes, little businesses, and a few lights that lit at seven o'clock every night. The pack territory looked truly enchanting. The cabins even had a modern twist to them, but still all natural, made of wood, filled with eccentric leathery furniture. No one drove a car, but everyone had at least one bike, whether it be resting in their yard because they used it daily or in a shed at the back of their house because they prefered to walk or run. There were paths made of smooth pebbles that led from the dirt road to the porch of some houses or stores, some wavey some curved, some straight.

Violet smiled at pack members with closed lips as she pulled onto the large gravel path of the pack house. Despite her father's displeasure toward the human world, he'd had the path expanded to accommodate Violet's needs.

"Letty," Charlotte's pitchy voice squealed as she hobbled down the stairs of the packhouse.

"Hi, Lot," Violet swooped up the toddler peppering kisses all over her face, making her dark chocolate curls bounce around as she giggled. Charlotte was Violet's baby sister, one of her father and his luna, Kara's, children. They also had twins, Skylar and Aaron.

Violet walked into the home setting Charlotte down in her playpen. She looked around for Kara, who didn't normally leave the tiny pup unattended. She'd found her in the kitchen. The heart of the pack house.

"Hi mum," Violet mumbled to Kara, who instantly greeted Violet by pressing her cheek to her stepdaughters, rubbing her scent into the child she'd taken as her own.

"Do you want help?" Violet offered. Kara was preparing food for the prime reason Violet had returned to the pack today, another pack was "visiting." Therefore, she had "responsibilities" that coerced her into being there.

"That would be lovely," Kara sat a bowl of peruvian cherries in front of Violet to chop as she sat at the bar. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked Violet. Kara had these natural motherly instincts that transcended her, and therefore was always good at reading Violet. She also understood what it felt like to be estranged, seeing as she was half human and from Britain. She sympathized with Violet's struggles of becoming a part of a new community.

"Yes," Violet sighed, washing her hands and putting on one of Kara's numerous aprons. "I know this is a guise so I can find my mate," she muttered. Kara nodded in acknowledgment of this fact.

"And?" Kara knew Violet would have more to say.

"Kara, I don't want a mate," Violet's wolf growled with good reason.

"Calm down," Kara said it to Violet's wolf. Her eyes flashed amber for a moment. "Violet, I doubt that you'll find a mate. They're found at the least expected times, and it's just not probable seeing as you already had a mate," she said quietly. Violet watched her as she picked out bad spinach leaves. She had a point, but wouldn't that be especially unexpected?

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