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After lying restlessly in bed unable to sleep, Violet sat up with a quiet sigh. She hadn't slept well and had woken up to the wolf repeating mate in a horrifying mantra. It was like one of those things you don't want to see but can only keep visualizing, except for she really couldn't help it because of the other being living in her head.

Violet exhaled deeply trying to focus and prioritize. She needed to pull herself together so she could confront the situation properly. Inhaling deeply to gather her wits, that scent scattered her thoughts to the corners of the room. Not only was she in his shirt but it was as if he'd rubbed his scent into her flesh. She let something out between a groan and growl as her skin began to quiver again.

Violet didn't care who he was. That Alpha didn't have a right to touch her body without her consent. The wolf whimpered at the sudden anger toward her mate, but Violet could care less. He'd crossed a reasonably drawn line, and she didn't want him there, disturbing the peace she'd created for herself.

He couldn't just come into her life and take it over because he was her mate. It's what all mates did and expected, but she refused. Violet found the practice selfish, unfair even, and Maverick was affecting her life too much already. The delicate balance she had with the wolf was being disturbed, and the tell-tale signs of an approaching heat were already showing up. She had an unnatural glow to her, and the wolf wouldn't settle making her eyes glow like liquid silver.

Violet walked into the kitchen with her head high, shoulders back, footsteps hard, and breath held ready to refuse the Alpha and demand he leave.

"Good morning, Violet. You're up early," Kara was quick to address Violet as she searched the room. However, the person she was looking for wasn't present, making her deflate like a punctured balloon.

"Good morning, mum," she kissed each of Kara's cheeks. "Where is Alpha Maverick?" Deciding to sit at her usual barstool and waiting for her usual tea, she easily shifted into the morning routine she had while staying with the pack. After a silent deliberation, she resolved to talk to this Alpha privately about the matter or at least wait until the topic was brought up, handle it as diplomatically as possible. That way no one could say she was at fault.

"If you were properly trained, you would know how to sniff him out," her father mumbled from the head of the table. Violet paid him no mind. He always had a comment on her actions and choices.

"He's still in the guest room--"

"Guest room? You let him stay in one of the guest rooms?" Violet was astonished. He was an Alpha . . . who was her mate . . . who had been under the same roof as her all night. How did he stay away?

"Well, yes, he is your mate," Kara said unswaying from her decision, quickly glancing at her Alpha. "As I was saying, he had some pack business to handle over the phone, so we haven't seen him this morning." Violet hoped it didn't pertain to her. She wasn't going with him.

"Oh," was all Violet replied. Her body broke out in involuntary shivers all over again after a moment. She was still wearing his shirt.

"Are you cold?" Kara teased and placed a cup of chai tea in front of her stepdaughter. She'd made it just the way Violet loved it, with a little soymilk and honey.

"No," Violet mumbled with a quick "thank you" following it.

"Good morning twat," the twins said in unison as they walked into the kitchen--one dropping a half sleeping Lotty in Violet's arms and then both unceremoniously plopping into bar stools on either side of her. It seemed that no one was disturbed by their guest because everything was carrying on as normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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