The Deal from the devil

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There was a dark silence the room filled with nothing but black air, there's no escape, the only thing to be heard was my rough breathing, I looked around hoping to get my self out of this pit of black but there was a no point

My hand were held down with chains, what was I going to do now? There was no point in calling for help cause there was no one to call for. No one knew were I was except for him

The man that caused all this...the one and the only-...oh no he's here, a bright light stabbed my eyes and my vision went to a blur, I shut my eyes closed and listened to the clank of his shoes hit the cold floor that I laid on

Finally the steps stopped and he was right in front of me, I could here his breathing and smell the smoke from his cigar

"Ah....Axel you have finally woken up have you?" He grabbed the lit cigar from his mouth and held it between in two fingers and he waited for me to answer

"I guess I am, now we're the hell am I?" He just smirked and put the cigar back in his mouth

"Well you must know we're on the 40th floor of my Casino" He took out the cigar and blew the smoke in my face

"Why the hell did you bring me to your shit whole of a casino?"

"For only one reason Axel....I want you to help me rob the biggest casino here in Vegas. I hear your the best around is it true?"

I have him a small glare and then a small smirk "yea it's true but what do you care? You run the second biggest casino not to mention hotel...oh wait I'm sorry I meant holding"

"Well if you haven't heard they want to run the businesses together, they think if we work together that we will grow" He took another huff of the cigar

"Well I'm guessing that's not going work, from what I've heard around the other casinos your the most greedy man in Vegas and that you've turned down every job offer for working with others"

"So you do know, well honestly I love money there's not much to it, the more money I have the bigger I get"

"Ok I see how it is, well fine, I'll do it. But I need a team, although I am one of the best this is gonna be a tricky job"

"I see how you work. Ok then it's a deal you can call in your team and I'll let you all work here under me in my casino"

"Then it's a deal, but I have some....requests" He sighed and took out some keys from his pocket

"Let me hear it"

"For one me and my team stay at the 56th floor the very top floor in the sweet as Mansion you've got going up there"


"To us everything is free in your casino"


"Oh and if we're working here we get paid by the hour and we get to choose what we're gonna be stationing here"

"Fine it's a deal, but if it's gonna go through your team needs to be here in the next 24 hours or the deals off"

"Ok have it like that get me out of these chains and get me a phone I have a robbery to plan"

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