The Meet Up

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I walked out and ran into a man in a black suit I backed up to look at him and all mighty may I say it was the slick man his self-was standing In front of me, he smiled and grasped me in a hug

"Whats up little man! Been some time eh?" He said as he let go of me

I took a moment to breathe Cause this hug just broke my ribs he's slick and strong god damn
"Nothing much I'm just glad you could make it"

"well, its been a hell of a time since we've worked together huh? what, its been about 7 months now plus I heard a lot of shit about people going silent, whats all that about?"

"Oh yea I heard about that too the freaky part being that I didn't even know about this and the fact that the 4 big bosses even thought I had gone silent"

"what? really? Even the bosses thought you had gone silent?"

"Yes, I'm not sure what made them think that for the fact that I didn't even know where I was before Chris found me"

"Huh well once everyone gets here we can talk about it, plus I heard everyone was coming to the meet up"

"Everyone? Wait I was told differently Chris told me to just get you guys to get here"

"Oh well an hour after you called me, I got a call from Bryant and Terrance they said they would be coming to the casino"

"Oh well then I'm guessing Ember would come too not just them, do you think the bosses would come too?"

"Maybe, I'm sure if Chris called them..and isn't this a real heist now?"

"yup are first real big heist since two years ago"

"Man this is gonna be fun"

I and Max turned around and started to head for the bar when someone grabbed my collar and yanked me back making me choke a bit 

"Well I hope you boys don't plan on drinking on the job now do you?~"

My eyes widened and  a smile slapped across my face, I turned around and hugged the person that was holding on to me, she laughed and hugged back

"Mandela! whats up sugar?"

"nothing much Axy, but I did hear about a new heist, this is going to be fun~"

"Yes I know, I cant wait its been sometime since I've seen your signature move"

"I know, then I guess you'll see it soon enough~"

"Can't wait"

After chatting for a little bit, we all decided to go and get a drink from the bar as we waiting for everybody else, And once everyone had gotten here it was time to start the big plan, The thing was that we would all come up with some plans for the heist. Everyone looked at each other until I spoke up

"Ok listen, I get this is new for a lot of us. BUT, I need to make sure that everyone is on the right track, this is a meeting for a heist. This means a new mission, new people, new gambles. This might just the biggest heist here in the city. Even so, we need to be smart, new tactics, new everything. Now Chris is going to give everyone the opportunity to pick the job stand that they want, that doesn't mean just drop your actual set."

I walked around the table and pulled out a box full of phones and earpieces. I handed one of each to every person

"This is only a small part of our new gear, yes I said it, new gear. Everyone gets a phone that can't be traced even through calls and you are all to wear the earpieces at all times, even when you sleep and shower and I mean it."

I walked around the table thinking of what else we needed to go over, nothing came to mind until I looked over to the calander on the wall, now I remeber.

"Even though this whole mission can add up to being three months in the work...We really don't have that time. Since we ARE the best here in the city and state Chris trusts that we can get this planned in less than a week, and get the actuall mission out in the tops of two to three weeks."

Every one gave me a weird look then indivisually everyone started to nod there heads in agree ment.

"Great!, now lets all go up and get out things settled we have a shit ton of planning to do, not to mention set up..hah, anyways, everyone is dismissed" Taking a deep breath I ran over to Chris's office 'I hope he got done talking to the bosses'

I walked up to the big black door and knocked once then walked in. "'Chris?" I walked in not thinking twice, there he was black tight suit sitting on the desk talking on the phone 'damn he looked fine as hell...Axel get your shit together nows not the time!' I shook my head and leaned against the wall waiting for Chris to finish up.

"Sorry, it was the bosses" He gave me a warm smile then put the phone down looking at me.

"What? No, it is fine. So what did the bosses say?" I walked up to the desk and pulled out my vape.

"Well, there as confused as you, they truly thought you had gone silent, also there's some bad news"

"For one, the fact that the bosses were confused too scares me a bit, but the bad news? What happened?"

"Its Valintine, someone shot up her casino."

"What?! Shotup? Do you have any details?"

"Yeah, they don't know who it was but they know that it was a group, they acted like they were a bunch of ass hungry guys and headed up to the upstairs were the strip club was, they shot up the up stairs the girls ran out scared told valentine but by then it was too late the group set a bomb which blew up the strip club and the three stories below it they all then collapsed into the main floor and the whole place just fell apart"

"Holy shit, Valintine, and the girls are they okay were are they???"

"Calm down, there headed here, I told Valintine she could use one of the big ballrooms in the Casino and set up her club in it, I already have guys coming in and installing the bars and poles for the girls....and guys"


"Yeah, while you were gone She had set up another club, but this one was for Male strippers, she got worried that they'd go after her other club so she asked if she could move them here too, so I said sure"

"Oh uh okay, but there male and female?"

"Worry not, I'm also having people come in to break down part of the wall in between two of the Ballrooms to put a two way bar in the middle and two doors threw them too, one on each side, so then the guys and girls won't disturb each other and customers during performances and sessions"

"Ah okay, well give me all call when they get here im gonna go take a small nap I'm beat"

"Sure, rest well"

"Yeah, thanks" I walked out of his office and headed to my room. Damn what a day, what a day...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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