My Team

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I headed up to the mansion they call a pent house and started to call my team, first was Mandela, she was a dime, ten out of ten, I've robbed over 6 casinos with her, she's one of the best, she can get any man to fall for her and that's how we robbed casinos most of the time

She would distract the guard or who ever was there by "tripping" and he dress would fly up, of course not every man was a gentleman like me so of course they would stair at her, but damn she had the body for that kinda thing,

She was kinda tall around 5'7, slim but curvy at the hips and her body proportions were on point I tell ya, she had beautiful short blond hair that cut off at the shoulders with stripes of pink going through them and she always curled her hair, she always wear dark red lipstick because after she would rob a casino she would kiss the vault door leaving a kiss print. It kinda looked like Marilyn Monroe's signature but much more full you could say

She was the first person to call. Next was Latrice, this was my second hand. He deals a lot with Technology. So when we rob banks he shuts the light down an opens the vaults up so I can get in and steal the money plus that's not the only thing we steal, these are casinos were talking about they also have some madly rich people so we also steal jewls off the lady's

But I must tell you Latrice is good at his job, he always were a suit and have his hair pulled back in a man bun, he also we're glasses but they look good on him I don't know how he pulls it off

Next we have Raelyn, he works a lot with get away driving and distraction. And let me tell you I don't think anyone else can hit 105 miles and hour and not crash. Raelyn used to be is nass car and the car he usually used is a racing car.

But even when driving and running he looks fly. Let me tell you, he has short black hair that is pushed up and he also always wore a suit but never the top part he kept the pants the shoes but he only kept on the white shirt and his tie, he made the word cool.

And last was person was Max, let me tell you something about him he is one slick dude, he can rob any place and never get caught. He always wears a black suit and has blue and black hair shaved at the sides and always put up, he is the main team mate out of all of us, he gets in to the casino and finds out we're everything is so that we can figure out a way on how to rob it cause no one can see him

What can I say I have the best team around, sure every one knows us but you'll only know us if you work in the criminal society, and of course cops and others will know our faces but if you were just another day person you wouldn't recognize us and that's why it's pretty dangerous with this kind of job

As soon as I called my team I went down to the casino floor to talk to Chris or as others call him "sweet boss" why? How should I know but I'ma call him Chris,

(In Chris's office)

"Uh hey Chris I called in my team they should be here in an hour or so"

"Oh it looks like you have this planned don't you?"

"What can I say I'm a cocky son of a bitch when it comes to missions, I haven't actually had a mission for about 3 weeks now"

"That explains why every small casino around here is scared as shit"

"What you talkin about?"

"Oh my, you haven't heard?"

"No what do you mean? What haven't I heard?"

"Oh well I'm surprised...well I guess...if my intelligence is correct...some of the top openers here in Vegas are...or they have gone silent"

"What? Why silent?, Who?"

"Well we thought you went silent too, until my guys kidnapped you and tied you up in my torchor room"

"Wait but that makes no sense, the only openers here in Vegas are my team, Bryant, Terrance and how could that be?"

"Oh I know there here but we can't in contact with them,"

"Why we're you trying to get in contact with them?"

"Cause we were trying to find (. ) we heard she was working with Ember and them up there in Hollywood not only that Ember had been working with Mandela and since she works with you and your team and you"

"What the fuck? I'm long was I out for?

"About a week but do you even remember what happened before?"

" I don't..."

"We found you with Valentine"

" why the hell was with Valentines? She owns a strip club and I'm....never mind that but why was I there?"

"How should I know? But I do have a slight feeling it has to do with Braxel"

"Wait Braxel like the guy who's casino we're trying to rob?"

"Yes him...that's another reason we're trying to get into his vaults"


"We think he has secret documents on all the casinos here that could bring us all down even the half marked casinos like valentine and Richy"

"Half marked?....OH like it's two different businesses but run as one, so in this case valentines is casino and strip club and Richy is a Casino and a...."

"Porn business"

"Right, huh then this might be more than what we though"

"Yup and that's why I'm offering you a new deal"

"A new deal huh?"

I took off the top of my suit and laid it on the chair in Chris's office and and slid to his desk then sat down on the edge of the desk and took a swig of my flask before I got out my vape

"My new deal and your team stay with me for the next 3 months and help me get intel on Braxels black market businesses, if ya do...everything is free and you get paid too, but this is after you get into his vaults and get the papers I need,hm? What do you say?"

"God damn you want him to go down down you?"

"Yes, yes I do, so is it a deal or not?"

"Fine deal"

"Very well"

"Let the fun begin I guess hahahaha"

I took another puff of my vape and blew it at Chris then left out the door back up stairs

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