BonxReader: On My Own (Part 2)

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It had been a week since the test and the strange encounter with (Y/N), since then Bon had been making an effort to be less mean towards the girl, he started trying to include her in conversation more, walked with her from different classes. One day, on his way to lunch, he spotted her walking towards a more deserted area of the school grounds, knowing she was probably going there to sit alone, he followed close behind her

Since smoking on school grounds was frowned apon not only by staff but also by the other students, (Y/N) always tried to sit somehwere less crowded to avoid the stares from fellow classmates. She sat under a tree, which offered her cooling shade from the hot sun, reached into her bag and pulled out a box of cigarettes, but before she could open the box, it was snatched out of her hand. She looked up ahocked to see Bon, standing there with the packet above his jead and a dissaproving look on his face.

"Hey! What gives man?"

(Y/N) stood from spot on the ground and tried to reclaim the box from the boy, much to her dismay, he was alot taller then she was, and her attempts at getting the box back fell short.

"Didn't I tell ya these things will kill ya"

"And I already told you that I'd rather be killed by those then by any demon"

Bon glared at the girl, still holding the box above his head, he sighed before placing the packet into his back pocket, (Y/N) stared at him confused.

"Tell ya what, you can have em back, if you let me sit with you......."

At his own words, Bon felt his face heat up, he woyld never admit it, but over the last week, hed felt himself starting to develop feelings for the girl. Dammit, why would I say that, shes never gonna want to sit with me!


Bon stared at the girl in shock, no way, she agreed?! (Y/N) sat back down on the cool grass, and pulled out an apple from her bag, Bon sat down next to her, and pulled out his own lunch box.

"Don't tell me that's all your gonna eat?"

"I dont normally eat a whole lot"

Bon sighed at the girl, as she bit into the red apple, the crisp sound of its crunch rang out into the gentle air. As he began to eat his own lunch. The two sat in silence for a long moment, (The only real sounds coming from either was the sound of either's food being eaten.

After awhile, Bon turned to look at the quite girl, he found himself slowly becoming entranced by her, even though she was quite, there was something about her that drew him in, he wanted to know her more, what was she really like?

"Hey, there's something I've been wanting to ask you"

(Y/N) had just finished eating her apple, before managing to throw it into the nearby trash first time without having to stand from her comfortable spot.

"Go for it"

Bon looked over at the girl, her gaze was focused on the nearby trash can, as the apple core bounced from one side and fell inside, he asked her the question he wanted the answers too

"Whats your deal?"

(Y/N) looked over at Bon with a confused look on her face.

"My deal?"

"Your always alone, you never try to make friends, heck you don't even talk much in class. How the hell do you think you'll become an exorcist if your always by yourself"

Bon stared at her with a stern gaze, he knew he must've sounded more harsh then intended, but it was necessary to get his point across to her, he expected her to blow up in his face, say something about how he should mind his own business, but (Y/N) knew he had a valid point, she could tell he was only being this way to make her see his point.

"Well, I don't know.."

Bon looked over at her, ready to launch into another rant, but the way she stred down into her lap made him stop dead in his tracks, he hadn't seen her look this miserable since the incident last week.

"I've always been on my own, so I guess it just sort of happens naturally"

"C'mon, I'm sure you have someone, What about your family?"

(Y/N) shook her head sadly,

"i never knew my family, they died a long time ago..."

Bon froze up at her words, instantly wishing he hadn't pried into her life the way he did.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pried like that"

(Y/N) looked up at the boy, he had a genuine look of sadness on his face, and she instantly felt bad for making him worry about her in such a way.

"Don't be, your right, I cant become a good exorcist on my own, relying on others having there trust is what makes you strong on the battlefield."

Suddenly the bell for there next class rang out. interrupting the small talk between the two, (Y/N) stood to her feet and picked up her bag. As she flung the strap over her shoulder, she let out a disappointing sigh.

"Oh man, I didn't even get to have a cigarette..."

Bon glared at the girl before picking up his own bag, he then formed a plan in his mind. He took out the packet of cigarettes into the same bin (Y/N) had recently made her own apple throw. (Y/N) watched in horror as her last packet of cigarettes went flying into the bin, she turned around to look at Bon, clear displeasure on her face

"HEY!! What the hell Sugaru!?!?"

Bon looked at the shorter girl, the look on her face seemed to make his heart pound louder then normal, dammit even whens she mad shes still cute.. dammit! not the time!

"I'll cut you a deal-"

(Y/N) tilted her head at the boy, whats he up to now?...

"If you agree to stop smoking those things, Ill be your friend and help you out during missions, I'll have your back and you'll have mine, deal?"

(Y/N) couldn't believe her ears, he wants to be friends? with me? no one had ever wanted to be here friend before, and now here she was, standing infront of a guy whom she thought despised the ground she stood on, whom was always at her throat, always trying to catch up to her, asking her to be his friend.

"Alright, Sugaru,You've got a deal"

She smiled up at him, before turning on her heals and walking off towards her class, leaving him stood there stunned that she'd actually agreed to it.

"Saaaaay Bon, looks like you and (Y/N) are becoming quite the pair"

Shima wrapped his arm around his friends shoulder, a smirk evident on his face. Upon realizing his friend had just seen the exchange that had happened between the two, he jumped back in shock.

"Jeez Shima! How long have you been there for man!?!"

Shima only laughed at him, whilst waving off Bons pissed expression. He turned to walk along to class, looking over his shoulder to see Bon still stood in the same place.

"Cmon lover boy, Konekomuru is waiting on us"

Bon began to walk behind his friend. he took one last look over his shoulder to catch the last fading glimpse of (Y/N) disappear into the distance, and as much as he didn't want to admit to it, he couldn't deny his feelings for the mysterious girl much longer 


HELLO! I hope your all well, I'm really making this one up as i go tbh (professional writer 101 kids). Got any tips for how ya want it to go? let me know! Got an idea for a oneshot? Say the word and Ill make it happen! Thanks for reading!

If your also reading my other story, have no fear! The next chapter shall be coming soon!

Thanks for reading!! <3 <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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