Part 4: The Weekend

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For the love you have shown in The Forgotten Bride. I dedicate this chapter to Funmilola00195, hope you will also enjoy this story.

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Samantha wakes up as her phone keeps on snoozing. She looked at it and was stunned by the reminder that flashes on her screen. YOU ARE TO COOK BREAKFAST!

She looked at the bed next to her, only to find out that Trisha is not in the room. She hurriedly stand up and run into the villas kitchen. Jusvent was already at the kitchen, wearing a white apron in his sky blue sweater. He was chopping some spices and preparing the meat from the freezer.

Samantha set her phone in one of the corner in the kitchen and walked closer to the island were Jusvent was busy with the breakfast.

"Good morning," Jusvent greeted as Samantha walked closer. "Coffee?" Jusvent asked her and Samantha answered with a nod.

"Did you set my alarm?" Samantha asked him while he give him the coffee. Jusvent smiled mischievously and she already knew the answer.

"You shouldn't skip meal," he just said as she continue with chopping the spices. "Your mom tells me, you usually skip breakfast," he added.

"I always have my coffee," Samantha answered while blowing the top of her mug. "It's our routine to be at Rose shop before going to our offices," Samantha explained. "What is today's menu?" Samantha asked while taking a sip from a mug of coffee.

"I was thinking of a Filipino cuisine. Adobong manok will be our main dished, dumplings for side dish and some fresh salad," Jusvent said while checking the chicken.

"You sure do like to cook," Samantha commented. "Trisha was not in the room, do you know where she is?" Samantha asked as she remembered waking up in the room alone.

"She takes a run," Miko answered. "I will be back after taking few rounds," he added as he made his way out of the villa.

Samantha just looked at Jusvent while marinating the kitchen.

"So, what can I do?" She asked Jusvent.

"Just sit, and just be with me." Jusvent instructed.

"You sure?" Samantha asked.

"Yeah! Seeing you here is enough," Jusvent added and winked at him.

"Mr Kyo," Samantha said while crossing her arms. "Are you hitting on me?" She asked jokingly.

"Is it working?" Jusvent said still smiling.

"No," she answered directly. "Your charm doesn't work for me," she added. Liar. Samantha's mind argue.

Jusvent laughed at her statement and continue cooking. After few minutes Samantha started walking right in front of him getting this or that, making the next tip Gail give looked normal.

After an hour, everything was already set. After preparing the breakfast, the four of them eat together. They just exchange stories and making fun with each other.

"What is today's activity?" Trisha asked excitedly.

"What about we do trekking?" Jusvent suggested.

"That would be fun," Trisha agreed.

"About that," Samantha started to think. "I really don't have proper attire," she added.

"Oh right!" Trisha said. "A staff told me that we could do the zip line," she suggested.

"I'm fine with that," Miko agreed.

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