(4) Slowly Falling in Love with You - The Results

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Ahhh I'm finished all my exams ^-^! So, I just wanted to speed things up a bit, because it was going just a tad too slow for my liking. Please comment/vote =D!


Lana's POV

It's been more than two months since term started and surprisingly the beginning of this year is going quite well. In these past few weeks, apart from the ridiculous amount of work we've been given, I've made some really good friends. I smiled as I walked into the main school block, quite proud of how I've been getting on in school.

"Hey Lana!" Bailey said as I reached my locker. Not only are we Psychology buddies, we're also locker buddies!

"Hey Bailey! How are you?" I asked, getting my stuff out.

"I'm good thanks! Could be better but considering most of the school is ill with some bug, I'm quite content," she said.

"Oh yeah, school's a pain in autumn, disease central or what!" I replied, closing my locker. "Shall we go learn some more about monkeys then?"

"Hell yes! Joy of my life!" Bailey said in a sarcastic voice. We both laughed and made our way to the Psychology classroom.

An hour later, the bell rang and we packed up our stuff.

"Ah Bailey, you're leaving me again," I said, sighing.

"You know what? I'm so glad I didn't take Maths, because whilst you are tortured in there, I get to have some free time all to myself," Bailey cackled evily.

"Bailey! You're making me feel so much better!" I replied, glaring at her.

"Have fun with the Siamese twins," Bailey said, laughing and walking out of the room. We've dubbed Tristan and Chloe as Siamese twins because they never, and when I say never I mean never, separate. Everytime I see them, they're always kissing...you would've thought their lips would've fallen off by now! I sighed, picked up my bag and walked to the Maths block, preparing myself for the worst. And guess what, I still wasn't prepared enough! They were sitting on the desk in the center of the room joined together face to face.

"Urghh, I think I've just gone blind!" I said, taking a seat next to Zack and Reyna.

"Seriously...do they have to that EVERYWHERE?" Reyna said, looking at the two disapprovingly.

"Okay you two, break it up now! We don't want to see that, well I definitely don't!" Mr Harris said, slamming his folder down on the desk. Tristan and Chloe immediately sprang apart, fixing their clothes and smiling embarrassingly.

"Thanks for saving us sir!" a guy shouted from the back row. Zack signalled me to look at Chloe's face which was bright red.

"Whoever that was, nice one!" Reyna whispered to the back row.

"Mr Green probably informed you yesterday about his absence. He is currently on a trip with the younger years. On the board is the exercises which he expects you to finish by the next lesson and I trust you will carry on with these whilst I'm away," Mr Harris said, looking at Tristan and Chloe after he finished the last sentence. We all nodded as he walked out.

"Come on, we can do this at home. I wanna go play pool," Zack said, packing his stuff. Most of the class were disappearing anyways. I nodded and stood up, but had to steady myself with the desk.

"You alright?" Reyna asked worriedly. I turned to look at her, faking a smile.

"Yeah, fine! I just stood up too fast!" I said. I tried to move but then my vision went black and I fell.

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