Superhero Sleepover (W/C)

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Cisco, Barry, and Iris hopped out of the dimensional portal for their semi-annual superhero sleepover. It was being held on Earth-38 this time, and despite their best efforts, they couldn't get Team Arrow, Team Legends, or Caitlin to join them. They had just arrived on Earth-38 when they heard a squeal. "Barry! Cisco! Iris! You're finally here! We've been waiting forever!"

"It's nice to see you too, Kara. We had to have a pit stop at Earth-21 for coffee and donuts because someone was, and I quote 'dying of starvation'." Cisco proceeded to glare at Barry.

"Well I'm sorry that I have a superhuman metabolism!" Barry shot back.

"Guys, shush. Kara, where are the others?" Iris, ever the diplomat, asked.

"Kara, what's all the n-Oh! You guys are here!" Winn wandered out of the living room, eyes immediately locking on Cisco. "How are you all?"

"Good, but I'm absolutely famished!" Barry said. "Is the pizza already here?"

"Yes, you can go start." was all he needed to hear before he superspeed shot in and ate a whole box of pizza.

"Well, come on in. Only Winn and Mon-el are joining us I'm afraid, James and Alex both have dates." Kara said as she walked back into the den. "Now, are we watching Harry Potter or The Office?"


"Yes! Sirius! My man!"

"Savage! Slay Snape!"

"Cisco, are you physically capable of shutting up?"

"Iris, we've all watched this about 5 times, it shouldn't matter anymore."

"Well I want to be able to hear Remus!"

"Oooh, does someone have a crush?"

"Guys, be quiet."

"Ok Barry, anything for you!"

"I don't even care about the amount of sarcasm you use, just be quiet."



The group eventually got into their sleeping positions, with Mon-el and Kara on small inflatable mattress, Barry and Iris side by side in sleeping bags, and Cisco and Winn squisheded onto the couch. Barry, Kara, and Mon-el were already asleep and Iris was not truly awake, but Cisco and Winn were both desperately trying to watch each other without the other noticing. Cisco accidentally touched Winn and suddenly, he was in a workshop full of toys with a man and his child. The man looked like Winn, maybe a bit more gaunt, and the child looked like he was a 11-ish Winn. The kid said, "Dad? What if you give the bears tan tummys and ear insides?" The man softly said "That's a good idea Winn."

Then, the scene changed to Winn, sitting in school when the teacher received a note. "Winn, go the the front office and bring your stuff. You're being checked out." The young Winn skipped down the hall, whistling to himself, but when he got to the office his mother was crying inside.

"Mom! What's wrong?"

"Sweetheart, come with me. Your father has been arrested for putting bombs in a teddy bear."

Then they were in the living room, with an adult Winn, kissing Kara, and Cisco could feel the joy, and then the horrible heartbreak, and twinges of anger.

Then they were in a basement, with Winn's father saying he and Winn were connected and telling him to kill a man, then Winn refusing to and Kara saving the day.

When Cisco was back in the normal time, he had tears welling up in his eyes. Winn had gone through so much and yet kept on smiling and being happy. He was so brave and strong and it made Cisco love him even more. He figured if Winn could be brave in the face of such danger, then he could be brave enough to tell Winn he loved him.

"Hey Winn?" Cisco whispered


"I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time."

"What?" Winn said excitedly.

"I've always been different, first with being Hispanic, then with the vibe powers, but more recently I discovered that I'm Bi. And I kinda am in love with you. And I get if you hate me or anything now, but please don't leave, just try to stay my friend, I don't know what I would do if you left m-umph!"

Winn suddenly kissed him. Cisco felt sparks of electricity run through his body and his heart pumped at what felt like a thousand beats per second. The kiss was desperate, but loving and passionate. They kissed for a few more seconds before Cisco said "Well, I'd be willing to shut up that way anytime."

"Come here you dork." Winn said lovingly.


The next morning Iris woke up and saw Cisco big-spooning Winn, hugging him to his chest. She slowly shook Kara awake so that they could marvel in the nerdy adorableness. While they were sitting there aww-ing, Barry woke up and came over. "Hey guys what are we looking at?" Barry whispered, oblivious as ever.

"Look at them." Iris whispered.

"I'm taking a picture of this."

While Barry got his camera out, Mon-el woke up and immediately mimicked him. They had only taken a few pictures until Iris and Kara said. "Why are you doing that?"


"You know you're taking pictures of hacking geniuses?"

"I know, I'm going to send them to Felicity." Barry said.

"You're good."

"I know I am."

"What are you guys doing?" Winn groggily said. Barry and Mon-el left very promptly, probably trying to protect their photos, but all the girls said was, "It's about time."

Word count: 914

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