~Chapter One~

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                                                   The Relationship Ends.

                                               Warning: Strong Language.

I had gotten up late this morning. Not surprising, seeing how late I got in, or how late I had actually fallen asleep. The house was still quiet, for the most part. I knew Gran and Ben were downstairs, starting the day with lots of hazy sounds and chatter here and there, but upstairs- silence. My mood felt out of place with the energy of the house. A happy home, contrasting to my miserableness. 

Pitifully, I was a mess. 

My eyes began to burn. A real mess, alright. I didn't feel like I had slept at all. I was numb, and lost, as well as dumb struck by how quickly things had changed. I needed to break out of it, but for now, I was more than happy to wallow in self pity. Right now, I was lost to the thoughts and I certainly had a lot to think about. 

It was for the best, I kept telling myself. 

It was never a good relationship. Red flags everywhere sort of deal. Not what I should have been chasing after, but I had been, regardless. No matter what I said to convince myself, it still hurt. No one can stop themselves from falling for Mr. wrong and I was no exception. I had known, somewhat, that it was a shit relationship and that I would have been better off with just about anyone but that was probably why people say love is blind. You willingly ignore it all. No matter how much it sucked. 

And boy did it suck.

I had things to do, important things. Things that a day ago I would have only put off for an emergency. Today however, I sat on my bed, looking blankly at the dark screen of my phone. No new messages. No calls. Nothing since late last night. Just my worn out reflection gazing back at me. I was lost. Or at least, inexperienced in break ups to know what to do. I had no one to call. Looking at it now, one of those aforementioned red flags, my friends just had to be his friends. They were all his friends. No doubt they all knew already and yet not one person, not one of the girls I thought had been my friends had messaged to ask about or comfort me. 

Just radio silence. 

And suddenly, that silence spoke volumes. 

I opened the phone. I was torturing myself, I knew that, but I couldn't help re-reading them. I was so angry, too. I had done this to myself, yes, but more so him. I had ignored the red flags, stupidly, but he had placed them. Placed them, waved them, paraded them around, hell he probably could have shoved them up his ass and I think I would have ignored them. No matter what I felt, I had to remember it was him, he was the one to blame. My rose tinted glasses had smashed and now I saw him now for what he was. 

A scumbag cheater.

I scrolled back to last night. 


8.58 Sun

Robs where you at?? Wat was that?! 

8.59 Sun

For fucks sake answer! This is dumb AF! 

9.02 Sun

Are you kiddin me right now?? Answer me!!

9.05 Sun

Dont fucking blame me for anything ive done fuck all wrong!!

9.10 Sun

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