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"Belle?....Do you need help?"
I hear Larry say behind me.

I look over my shoulder at him.

He's leaning against the wall, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

His signature pose.

I ignore him, reaching for the stack of extra covers and pillows that I keep hidden on the top of the shelf in the hallway closet.

"Belle, I thought you said you no mad at me no more."
He sighs loudly.

I scowl.

He's so annoying.

"I'm not. You are just annoying."

I don't hear anything for a minute

I turn my head to see if he left just as a pair of arms wrap around my waist and suddenly I'm being pulled back to a hard chest.

Not again.😰

I don't want a hug, he needs to leave me alone!

"Larry, stop. I'm trying to get stuff."
I complain.

He just stays silent, holding me for a second.

"Belle, how come you no act like you miss me?"

I frown,
Is he serious?

"I don't know, maybe it's because you are being so annoying?"
I say sarcastically.

He squeezes his arms tighter around me, clearly not liking the tone of my voice.

"You mean."

"I do miss you Larry. I just.......don't want to."
I say, turning serious.

His body tenses up behind me.

"What? Why not?"

I bite my lip, happy that he can't see my face.

"Um....I just don't want to. Now can you let me go and help?"
I ask, pointing to the top shelf.

He lets me go but then he just stands there, staring at me.

He knows that I lied.

It's more to it than that.

I'm still hurt that he ignored me.

My dumbass actually thought that he liked me back.

Obviously not.

If you like somebody then you show that person how much they mean to you.

You don't ignore them for 3 years.

I'm a little depressed about that.

I shove a few blankets in his arms, ignoring the familiar sadness bubbling up in my chest.

This is exactly how I felt the few weeks after Laurent left.

I thought I buried these feelings already.

"And these."

I pile 4 sleeping bags on top of the covers.

That is exactly what I've never had a boyfriend.

If Larry started acting like a stranger and he was pretty much my brother then anybody can do it.

Any boy.

So fuck them.
All of them.

I grab 2 pillows and pile the last 2 on top of Larry's stack.

He groans.

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