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It really surprised me that Larry didn't seem to mind when Lau started teasing us.

It made me think.

I kind of feel bad about the way I just pushed Larry away when we were standing outside of the kitchen.

I was just tired.

And flustered.

Right now we are just driving around town, looking for something to do.

I don't mind.

"Larry, turn right."
Hazel instructs.

He does so, humming under his breath.

He has been really quiet since breakfast a few hours ago.
I know he is probably mad at me for being irritated.

I know he doesn't like when I'm mad but I'm just so used to it.

Getting angry at everything.

I don't know. being angry is the easiest thing to do.

It's better than being all awkward.

"Haze, where are you making me drive?"
Larry finally complains.

She leans back in her seat.

"The mall."

Julian cheers, yelling right in my ear.
"Hell yeah! I brought my credit card, we about to turn the hell up."

"Julian! Chill the fuck out."
I hiss, leaning away with a scowl.

He stops, staring at me for a second.

"What's with you guys? Did you get into a fight or something?"
He asks, giving Larry a pointed look in the review mirror.

Larry says at the same time as I say,

I fold my arms, deciding not to say anything else.

"We not. Belle just tell me to leave her alone. So I do."
Larry says quietly, focusing on the road.

I glare.

"I did not say that."

Hazel turns around in her seat, staring at me.


She turns back around.

I take out my phone as it vibrates, rolling my eyes.

Hazey😁: Wow, you guys are acting like an actual couple right now.

I sigh loudly, rubbing my arm.

Me: No we aren't! He's being overdramatic. I didn't tell him to leave me alone. I just didn't feel like talking this morning.

I respond, glancing at Julian for a second.

He stares right back at me.

Hazey😁: Jazz. Listen to me. He's just trying to let you know that he cares. Think about it. What would you try to do if he was mad?

I read the text.

Then I read it again.

What would I do?

Me: It doesn't matter what I would do. He doesn't even like me like that.

"Girls are so weird."
Laurent says, watching Hazel's phone vibrate.

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