Break Time

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The sound of my phone buzzing woke me up: It was mom checking to see how I've been doing.
"Everything okay over there?"
"Yeah! I miss you though~"
"Me too~ But I'm just fine knowing you're happy and progressing well!"
"I'm glad, well, I'd love to keep talking, but I'm really tired~"
"It's soon going to be 12:00, why are you s-"
"A-a-a-aaaaaa shhhhhh"
"No le digas shhh a tu madre"
"Ok mami te quiero bye bye"
I left the phone at the bedstand and curled up in bed again. Weekends are the only two days I have to relax: the rest of the week I have the movie filming (which is soon to finishing😩), and my studies. Plus, all that waking up early takes a toll on me! Aside from relaxing, it's my cheat day~ Ah, I can finally eat something that isn't fruit for breakfast! I whipped up some fried eggs with bacon and French toast (with lots of whipped cream on top, of course~). Just when I was about to dig in, I got a text from the director.

"Hello there! You're probably sleeping right now, but a short reminder that the most important scene is on Friday, so we'll be filming the whole day!"

Oh no, how could I forget that?! I stopped eating so I could figure out a plan... I don't want to turn down Namjoon because of my irresponsibility, but I know this job is important. Well, I'll figure out a way to put it into words and call him later: to me, work always goes first, especially something as important as this. I guess I still need a little bit of training on that whole "being independent" thing...


"How can you simply stand waking up at 6 in the morning, on a Saturday? I'd die if I had to do that..." Yoongi said to me, wrapping himself on the bed sheets, immersing himself again in his phone.

"You just have to get used to it..." I said, reaching for my phone. It's always the same now every time I check my phone: I open Messages, Phone calls, even Twitter, and I endlessly search if Patricia sent me something. There's no way I can't deny it: I'm falling in love with her. I just hope she feels the same...

All of a sudden, Yoongi took my phone and ran out of the room. This is already the norm for me, so I stayed sitting in the love seat, until he finally gets tired of waiting for me to run out and grab my phone, and walk back here with the same "Why won't you play with me?" face.
I give him a serious look and he hands me my phone back, but I see him smirking.

"You know, just to get a little conversation started~"
"Min Yoongi, you are simply-"

My phone sounded. It's her. She answered the message!


"Should I say it to him?" I whispered to Mariana over the phone. She, well... was in the presence of my preparing for the date, so I figured she should be here for this as well.
"I don't know... by text is a little bit... assholey."
"Why did you just make up that word"
"I couldn't find another word to explain it: really, I don't know about texting him that..."

"I don't know if I'll be able to see him this week. He only got to see me because he had free time, and it's not like I asked him to come visit me."
"Oh... then you don't like him that much?"
"Don't scream man you'll wake up the old people living beneath you"
"Don't joke about old people. Don't."
"Ok Mom~ Well, now knowing your true feelings about him, and the situation, I think you're ought to text him."
"Yeah, thanks!"
"No prob, bye~"
Breathe in. Breathe out.... let's do this.

My thumbs shook every time they pressed the keyboard. Drops of sweat started falling from my forehead and my whole body started shivering: I'm not the best en it comes to situations like these. Wait. I don't usually react like this, but I know why I'm reacting like this.
It's because of Namjoon. I've been feeling strange this whole time because of him. It's been a long time since I've felt like this... I just don't want to lose him.


"Hi! I've been meaning to tell you something: Im very sorry, but I can't attend the date this Friday: a shoot that was canceled was postponed to that date, and I might be filming up to very late at night. This is honestly my fault, I forgot all about it.... I hope you understand💕 If you want we can talk now to change the date!"

I guess it's okay, right?
Is she blowing me off?
Did I do something wrong?
No you didn't silly, she's just telling the truth!
Yeah, she's just telling the truth.

"Awww :( But don't worry, everyone forgets stuff sometimes😂 Anyways, how does next Friday sound?"

That was cheerful enough.

"Sure! I feel really bad about canceling so close to the date though... are you ok?"


"Great😄 I got to go, goodnight Namjoon💕"

"Goodnight princess~"


I ran out of the room like a panther: Namjoon's really going to get mad at me now.
God, I can hear him picking up the phone....


Oh no.

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