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It's warm, very warm. I can feel his hot breath coming out of his mouth while he's talking, it's warming up my cold face. My face and my hands, two parts of my body that are always so cold, an icy feeling. But his warmth keeps me alive. The vibration in his voice hits my ear, i'm laying with my ear on his chest. It's a strange feeling but also satisfying. I wish I could feel his voice forever. I can hear his heartbeat too, it's calming. I feel so safe right now. HE makes me feel safe.
He strokes through my hair with his fingers. The longer he talks, the more he warms up my stone cold skin.
"Why are your eyes closed the whole time, B?" He moves a little, I grab him and try to keep him in the same position. "Don't move! This is so comfortable." He strokes my arm gently with his puffy, soft fingertips and then moves his hand to my face. I feel his breath changing from direction, I feel the warmth touching my cheek. His warm hand is now touching my face, he begins to touch my lips with his fingers. "Your skin looks so soft and healthy." I look up and immediately notice the sharp features of his face. There are also little, brown spots on his cheeks. I know he hates them. "Baby, I know you're not just saying that, what's wrong?" I can see his eyes are starting to water a little. "B, you know why I wear all this foundation right?" a little smile appears on his face, not a happy kind of smile. That kind of smile trying to cover up sadness. "Yes, baby." I lay my hand on the left side of his face. "You try to make your skin look even." His smile disappears. He lays his head back down on his pillow and stares at the ceiling of the room. "Baby, I know you're insecure about your skin, and that's totally okay." He turns his head back to me. "But why do I keep feeling so sad about it? and what they are all saying about me is so..."
I turn my head to him. "Who is saying what?" I feel the sheets moving. He moves his arms and lays his hands on his face. I can see a tear rolling off of his cheek. "They say I look so white that I could light up a dark room with no windows." His voice starts to crack a little. I lay his head in my arms and kiss it. "Please don't cry, I know you're strong and I want you to know that they're just saying that because they're jealous of you." He slowly looks up and then stares at me with hanging eyes. "They want to make money right? They come up with those crazy stories and put them in articles, in newspapers. People give their money away for lies. The newspapers are all lies, i'm so tired of it, so tired B. I've tried not look at them but they're everywhere." I grab his jaw softly and look him deep in his beautiful, big, brown eyes. "Michael. You're saying it yourself. It are all lies. You need to listen to yourself. Lies run sprints but the truth runs marathons, remember? That's what you've said. Keep that in your mind. You're the most misunderstood person that I know but also the strongest. Not many people are like you, and that's why everyone loves you, you're so caring, so special, so-." He looks at my mouth and then stares in into my eyes. "But.."
I cover his mouth with my fingers. "My sweet Michael, listen to your own heart and words and realise how strong you are and that you have so much power in you. You're so smart and wise, do you know that? I feel so lucky to have you, all the time."
He begins to smile. This time it is a happy smile. "Why are you like this, B? You're so pure and full of love." His face comes closer and he strokes my cheek. He whispers: "You're the warm and gold looking light in winter that shines through the snow covered trees. You're the centre of a galaxy that keeps all of the other planets alive. You're the sun. Without your existence I wouldn't be able to live." He touches my upper lip with his bottom lip. His lips are so soft, I still can't believe it. I'm always surprised by how soft and puffy his lips are, they're like small pillows. He touches my shoulder. I put my arm around his neck. I now notice how cold my arm is. His neck feels hot compared to my arm.
"How can you call me the sun when you're the one that warms me up, my whole body is so cold!" I look at him with my eyes wide open. He starts to giggle and a big, wide smile appears on his face. His shining, white teeth look so perfectly straight that it's scary.
Then he randomly whispers: "I think you gave me too much." I look at him with a confused face. "What do you mean, Michael?" He laughs. "Doesn't matter, come here." He grabs me with both arms and we fall on the bed. I can feel his long curls in my neck. He smells like flowers. We cuddle for a while. I can feel his lips touching my ear. He whispers: "You gave me too much sunlight."

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