Early Bird

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It's early. 9 AM.
I just got out of the bed and have my pink bathrobe on. I walk to the living room, where the sun is shining bright through the windows. The sunlight gives the room an orangy look and it puts me a happy vibe. It is giving me a summer vibe which is weird because it's winter and the sky seemed grey every day this month, but today it was different...

While making my coffee, I could smell something sweet coming my way. I recognized the scent of my close friend. He stayed over at my place because we went to a party last night of a good friend of ours. But he was far from home and couldn't stay anywhere else.
"Good morning." A fresh looking man with long, dark and shining hair walked to the fireplace and warmed himself up with his hands close to the fire.
"Have you slept nicely?" I ask him. I knew he was going to say yes, I heard him snoring so I wouldn't expect him to say he slept bad.
"Oh, I had a wonderful sleep, couldn't feel any better!" He walks towards a painting that i'm still working on. It's not done yet.
He turns around with his mouth wide open. He looks shocked.
"What is it , Michael?"
"You didn't make that right? It's amazing, it's beautiful." His voice sounds so soft and amazed, it's adorable. "Yes, I made it. But it's not done yet." He starts walking around me and stares at my hands.
"Why are you staring at my hands?" I laugh.
He grabs one and starts squeezing my fingertips. "What are you doing? Stop it Mike!" He giggles really hard. "So these made that art work? Can't believe it."
"Stop being so weird, you punk." I giggle.
Why does he always have to tease me?

He walks away from me and stares out of a window. It's snowing.
I'm staring at his side-profile. His lashes are so long. Why can't mine be like that? It looks beautiful on him. The way his lip is curled... I don't know why but I find it really attractive somehow.
God... his hair looks so nice this way. I like this wavy kind of look. I always thought that Michael looked very handsome but today he looked even better.
"I can paint you if you want." I put my hand on my mouth.
Oh my god, what the hell am I saying? He must think i'm crazy. Yesterday I told him that I only paint things that I find very beautiful.
"Why would you want to paint me?" I look at him with a confused face. Was he drunk last night? I think he forgot what I said. Oh well... it's better when he doesn't think that I find him attractive, I don't want to ruin my relationship with him. He's been my best friend for more than 15 years.

I stutter: "Oh... uhm.. well I need a model for a painting that I need to make for a school assignment."

I totally not just made that up.

Michael looks down, staring at his own toes. "Uh... well i'm not very comfortable with how I look but... sure, paint me if you want.
Not comfortable with his own looks? Is this man blind?
"You know what, i'll make you some breakfast and then we can start on the painting." I smile at him.
"Yeah that's fine." he says with a deep voice. I just noticed that he hasn't talked with his high sounding voice yet, he's still waking up I think. It sounds different though, but it's nice. It's a little raspy too.
I walk to the fridge to get some eggs. I crack them on the table and put them in a frying pan.
Suddenly I feel something on my left hip. I look at my hip and notice that it's Michaels hand.
"You never put salt on it?" he asks with a teasing tone in his voice.
"Oh.. yeah, ofcourse I do." I turn around and he's still standing there. He's looking into my eyes and the corners of his mouth are lifting up. The little lights of the lit up christmas decorations reflect in his big, dark eyes. I get a weird feeling in my stomach. It's a nice kind of feeling.
"Well then... here's your salt if you forgot where it was standing." he says while giggling. He grabs my hand softly and opens it with his fingers. He's almost stroking my hand. Then he places the salt in my hand.
"Thank you, Michael." I feel like i'm getting a little nervous... Michael never acted like this to me before...
I put the salt on the eggs.
Michael lays his hand on my back. He comes with his face closer to my ear and whispers: "I just want to thank you for always being there for me..." His hand goes down to my lower back and I feel that his cheek is touching mine softly. I can smell his scent very strongly now. What is he doing?
"Well, I need to make a lil' phone call right now, it's important. I'll be back soon." He walks out of the living room to make his call.

What the fuck just happened? He strokes my back and touches my cheek with his face? I can't believe that he did that. It feels like a dream and I secretely hopes he feels something for me. It feels wrong thinking like that since he's been my best friend for so long but it also makes me kind of... happy?

I continue making the eggs and put them on some bread.
"I'm done!" I turn around really fast and Michael is standing really close to me. "Oh my god Michael, you scared the shit out of me!"
He starts to laugh loudly. "It's not funny!" I try to sound like i'm mad but i'm laughing with him.
He grabs my upper arms and his face comes really close to mine right now. "Don't be scared, it's just me..." He's staring at my mouth right now. What is he trying to do?

His hands go from my upper arms to my hands. He's holding them now. His hair is touching my forehead. I don't know what to do so i'm just staring at his neck...

His scent smells so good now and i'm automatically coming closer to his body.
Shit, why am I doing this, why are WE doing THIS?
I'm standing so close to him right now that my upper body is almost touching his. I feel that he's coming closer to me. It feels safe to be honest, but i'm also scared in a way...
His body is touching mine now, and I feel that my head is becoming heavier because of the way I am standing. My head is slowly falling on his shoulder. He's letting go of my hands right now, and his arms are moving around me slowly.
"I feel good, I feel safe." he suddenly says.

It's quiet for a few seconds.

"Me too." I didn't even want to say that, but it just happened because it's truly how I feel. One of his hands is holding the back of my head right now and he's stroking through my hair. His chin is touching my forehead and I move my hand on his chest. I close my eyes. It feels like i'm floating.

I would like to say that it feels like there are butterflies going on in my stomach, but it's a whole damn zoo what i'm feeling right now.

His head is moving away from my forehead and he's looking into my eyes right now.
"I really DO feel safe, here, with you." he says.

"I know, this is a little scary for me, I did not expect this, Michael." I softly say to him.
"Don't worry, I know it's scary, we've been best friends for such a long time. But this here... this is truly is how I feel about you." he whispers.
I start to breath heavily. My heart is pounding in my throat.
"Me..." my voice is shaking, i'm so nervous..
"- Me too, Michael."
I look up, and see that he's smiling. He's blushing. His hand is stroking my arm right now and he moves it up to my neck. It feels good. My eyes are closed.
"I adore you..." he whispers.
His hand moves up to my cheek, and his finger is touching my bottom lip.
I feel that he is coming closer, his warmth is overwhelming me and his breath is touching my face.
I open my eyes carefully and he's really close to my face right now.
I close my eyes again...

His soft and puffy lips are slowly touching mine. Oh my god, he's actually kissing me!

We're both moving our lips on eachother's and my arm is going around his neck and my other hand is holding the right side of his face.
I place my hands on his chest and he's holding my head with both of his hands right now. I'm arching my back and he leans over me. We continue kissing tenderly and softly.

After a while we move our heads away from eachother's and he puts his arms around me, holding me tight. I'm holding his shoulder and his back. I've never felt so safe. Especially in his arms...

"I adore you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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