Someone Else Might Get It Wrong...

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With everyone in Starbug at once, the cockpit was more than a bit cramped. There were six of them and only four seats. Aria and Jack had to stay standing up.

"So once we get there, what's our plan?" Lister asked, hardly taking his eyes off the screens.

"You guys drop me and Rimmer off. Once we get on board, we'll find the bridge, then we'll track down the Composer while you lay down covering fire." Aria replied.

"Then what?"

"Then Rimmer does his thing. If all else fails, Jack found the bomb we were going to use on Ivanoff Station."

"And the Didact, ma'am?"

Aria took a sticky grande out of her pocket and showed it to Kryten. "I think a C-Four enema will suffice."

A strange, black hole appeared in front of the Didact's ship. It glowed a strange, electric blue colour as it prepared for a slip-space jump.

"He's on the move." Lister announced.

"Can you get us to him?" Jack asked him and the Cat.

Cat peered back at him, almost insulted of his lack of faith in his and Lister's flying capabilities. "Does mouse shit roll? Don't worry, we'll get you there."

Cat turned the engines to full power, sinking everyone who was sitting back into their seats. They got close enough to knock on the door — just in time before the ship entered slip-space. Starbug was hovering above the top side of the ship.

"Where's the Composer?" Rimmer asked.

"According to the radar, it's close." Lister replied, eyeing the monitors. "Hang on... Incoming message."

Jack nodded his head toward the comms unit. "Let's hear it."

"You're alive," the Didact intoned. "How can this be?"

Lister flicked a few switches on the dashboard. "Locking onto his location..."

"Open up communications," Jack leaned into the mic. "Ur-Didact... Long time no see!"

It was certainly perplexing. The Didact never had someone fail to die before. "You have not been Composed," he said. "Such inoculation should not have been possible."

"Well, what can I say?" He looked around the cockpit at everyone. "We're a bunch of stubborn bastards."

"Your tenacity will only get you annihilated — I'll make sure of that. You sought the Didact, then you shall have him, in all of his magnificence and power."

All communications from the Didact had dropped at that instant.

"Pretty cocky for a guy who looks like Lord Voldemort's ugly brother."

"Got a location. He's at the Composer," Lister stated. "We can take them both out at once."

"How're we gonna do that, bud? We've only got one itty bitty cannon!"

He shrugged. "It might be enough."

"Radiation fluctuating," Kryten interjected. "We're coming out of slip space. At current velocity, the Didact will achieve Earth orbit in approximately four minutes."

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