Your 5th birthday

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* timeskip *  ( now it's your 5th birthday wow a long timeskip p.s f/c/b is FAVE COMIC BOOK)

( Your prov )

I woke up out of my room and looked at the door it was closed i got dressed i opened the door and went 2 the ketchen 2 get pizza 4 breakfast it was quiet so i thought everyone was  still asleep then they jump out from the table with Gifts?!?!? i was surprised Mikey said Happy Birthday Dudette they had all put the gifts on the table in front of me Mikey told me 2 open his gift first,it was a orange gift with a yellow bow so i did. it was a skatebored... mikey asked if i liked it i said no... I LOVE IT!!! Next Donnie told me 2 open his gift it was a purple with a black bow... i opened it and a computer was inside??? Next i opened Raph's gift it was red with a pink bow... and it was... a pair of his Sie's??? Next was Leo's  it was blue with a f/c bow and inside was a rare comic book collection of  F/c/b AWW THANKS SO MUCH GUYS... Splinter came in with his hands behind his back as he puts a huge box on the table... it was a brown box with  2nd f/c bow... and inside was MY OWN TV a big screen 2!!! Mikey was like not fair!!! Splinter said it's Y/n's birthday not yours mikey mikey soon got over it...

( Mikey's prov )

I told Y/n 2 open my gift first so she opened it it was a new skatebored and her first skatebored i saw her face light up i asked if she liked it she said no i love it then she opened up donnie's gift it was a computer why did he never give me a computer before? then she opened up Raph's it was A PAIR OF HIS SIE'S WOW... then she opened up Leo's it was  A VERY RARE COMIC BOOK COLLECTION of F/c/b she loved it but then splinter came in and putted down a box it was the biggest box it was brown with a 2nd f/c bow on it she opened it and it was A HUGE TV of her own i might of got a little mad but i soon got over it.

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