t w e n t y t h r e e

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Lauren's eyes lingered on the empty space where Camila once stood. Now, she was gone...

The raven haired girl shook her head in disbelief, not quite believing what had just happened.

Her heart clenched as she swallowed the lump that was beginning to form in her throat, furiously turning back towards the blonde girl who was stood just a few centimetres in front of her.

Lauren couldn't hold it in any longer. She snapped.

"Don't ever come near me again Gigi, I swear to God." Lauren inched forwards, intimidating the blonde haired girl with her finger outstretched, poking the girl in the chest. Anger was an understatement, Lauren was fuming.

Tears threatened her eyes but she blinked them away quickly. The mixed emotions that were swimming around her mind were slowly suffocating her.

She clenched one fist, so hard that it had actually turned white.

"I'm so done with your shit!" She spat through gritted teeth, her green eyes piercing right through Gigi. If looks could kill, the blonde girl would be long gone.

The blue eyed girl gulped, lowering her gaze almost in defeat.

Her eyes felt tired, she felt so ashamed of herself.

Lauren's chest was heaving, adrenaline coursing through her veins. "I'm not one of your little experiments Gigi. You can't treat me like shit and then tell me that you like me..." she lowered her voice, anger still very present, "then kiss me." She shook her head in disappointment, "you can't do that, no matter how hard you're trying to figure yourself out."

With that, Gigi collapsed under her own weight, falling to the floor, vulnerable. Vulnerable for the first time ever in front of Lauren. She wrapped her arms around her head, most likely about to cry.

If it was someone other than Gigi, maybe Lauren would have felt sorry for them but she felt nothing towards Gigi.

She wiped her eyes quickly as a few tears escaped from them.

Then within a few seconds, Lauren was gone, her heart taking control over the situation as she chased after the brunette girl that had just left the room a few moments ago.

The girl that she was beginning to fall for...


20 minutes earlier.

"Hey man, do you know where Ari keeps the bottled water?" Lauren asked a brunette boy who was leaning against the sink nonchalantly.

She had just left Camila to go and find some water for the smaller one, leaving her on the sofa momentarily with her other friends.

The boy looked around quickly with lazy eyes, and Lauren could clearly tell that he was intoxicated.

He paused whilst looking at the door across the room. "Try in there," He pointed in the direction, "I just saw someone go in there." He nodded briefly, his soft locks of hair falling slightly over his eyes.

Lauren smiled thankfully before hurrying over to the door where the boy had pointed to. Luckily, it was already unlocked. He had said that someone else went in there before her...

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