Tea For Two - Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10

The week for Una had been the most eventful week of her life and she loved every single minute of it. Just last night she had finally caved into Ferris' pleading and they all went out partying at one of the hottest clubs that they were able to get her into.

She couldn't deny that she had fun regardless of it being something she wouldn't have liked to do, and she could hardly remember doing anything other than dancing with the girls...and then Gus. Her dancing with Gus was a little blurry and she had in her head that she just must have embarrassed herself, all she can remember was swaying her hips in time with the music whilst his hands roamed her body but she didn't have a dancing bone in her body, so lord knows what she looked like.

She didn't have the chance to go back to the small café after the girls took her out again to enjoy the shops they didn't see at first, and then the day after her and Flynn made it their goal to take pictures of every animal they saw in the park that she had fallen in love with.

One of her days she spent at home whilst the rest of them did what they needed to, Delilah had to phone her parents and she was on the call for hours upon end and looked seriously drained when she emerged from her room for dinner, and Elysia and Ferris looked seriously concerned for the girl.

Flynn had left early in the morning that day to visit his parents and looked rather happy about it, but Elysia informed her that it wasn't best to talk to Flynn when he came home and Una realised why when he walked in the door with puffy eyes and a frown on his lips.

River had "business" to attend to with his family and left without a goodbye just when Una was waking that day. She didn't mind all that much that he didn't like her, it amused her more that she could get on his nerves and spent her time doing that instead of trying to befriend him.

The day she stayed in the apartment she spent decorating her room with the new accessories her friends had bought her. The clothes they had bought were tucked away in the wardrobe as well as the clothes and shoes and everything she had brought from her town.

She didn't think it was possible to feel more at home until her room was completed, she had gotten a few shelves which were now lined with books she had bought at the bookstore that Ferris told her about and even took her one day during the week when everyone else had things to do.

She hardly knew what Gus was up to when he left the house but it seemed important and she made sure to check if he was okay every time he came back, he looked seriously exhausted at times but she didn't want to push him to tell her things he didn't want to, she respected what he did tell her, and what he didn't she was sure he would in due time.

Her dresser was lined with bottles and tubes and tubs of lotions and creams and perfumes and body wash that they had all bought her and Gus had made a few remarks on helping her use them the next time she was in the shower.

She just told him to piss off.

The mirror that leaned against the wall had small lights draped over it now and her bed had another blanket that went with the colour of her bedroom. It was lovely, she truly loved it and she could have spent all of her time at her desk that she had lined with new accessories of pens and pencils and a globe and even a map of the world and on the wall above it where the small polaroids of all the dogs she had seen with Flynn.

The bed was near empty as she fidgeted, Gus had gotten up an hour before her and went to his own room that he barely entered in order to get dressed for the day ahead. Una was sporting a headache when she woke courtesy of her friends ordering drink after drink for her at the club they partied at last night and she was sure it wasn't going to go away.

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