The Letter

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A few months after the "incident" Harry Potter turned 11. It was his birthday, July 31, and his parents were very proud.

It was a great day out, and the sun was shining bright. The sky was a vibrant bright blue, and birds were chirping and flying beneath it. Both Harry and James woke up to the smell of Lily making a special breakfast, and they each remembered it was Harry's birthday! Harry and James raced to get ready then flew down the stairs and started eating, talking and laughing.

After Harry's birthday breakfast (eggs, bacon, sausage and toast), they all started to open presents. The first one he opened was from his father, James.

As Harry pulled the wrapping off, his eyes opened wide. It was a Nimbus 2000! Harry gasped. He could barely contain his excitement. He had been asking for this broom from almost the second it came out! The boy turned to his dad and hugged him, speechless. "You like it?" his father asked. "We can go fly it later, if you want." Harry nodded excitedly. He couldn't wait!

The next gift was from Sirius Black, one of James's best friends. He was Harry's godfather. Sirius was married to Emmeline Vance, and had two kids, Cassandra and Fletcher. Sirius had sent Harry a lot of candy and a bit of money, and Remus, one of James' other friends, had sent Harry some magical items from Italy, where he was visiting.

Harry had met Sirius and his family a few times before, but not a lot because he and his parents did not go out a lot. The reason for that was because Harry was apparently famous, though Harry never saw any proof of that.

Lily and James had told Harry all about that night so many years ago, though it seemed so fake! How could he, Harry Potter, a little baby at the time, stop the most powerful and evil wizard? Harry had no idea, of course, but someday, he vowed, he would. Before he could open his mother's present, which felt like books, he heard a screech. Harry, Lily and James all looked out the window and saw, to no ones surprise, an owl! Tied to the leg of the snowy owl was a letter.

Harry carefully untied the note, making sure not to tip or tear it. He knew what this letter was about! So did Harry's parents, who were just as excited as Harry was. Oh, how clearly they could still remember the day their letter came. After what seemed like forever, Harry finally finished with the untying, and started ripping the letter. He was going very slowly, to slow for James, apparently, because he pulled it out of his son's hands and opened it quickly. "Hey!" Harry exclaimed, grabbing it back, and Lily just smiled.

Then Harry took the letter out, a bit faster than he would have before while glaring at James, and started to read:

Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Harry glanced at the list of school supplies before turning to look at his parents, smiling. "I can't believe it's time!" he exclaimed. Harry had been waiting for this moment almost his whole life. He loved listening to his parents fantastic stories about their days at Hogwarts, and he couldn't wait to make some memories of his own.

"I know dear, me either!" his mum said, looking very happy. "And I can't wait to see all of our old classmates again, can you, James?"

"Oh, yes, I can't wait," James answered, sending Cad, the family barn owl, out, with a reply letter to Professor McGonagall. "And Harry," he added, turning to his son with the snowy owl perched on his arm, "I read the supply list on the back really quickly, and it said you need an animal, so, here's another birthday present."

Harry smiled and took the bird, thinking, this is the best family ever!

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