Diagon Ally

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It was 4:03 in the morning on August 5, and Harry Potter was getting dressed. He knew that he was the first one in the cottage awake, even before Lily. But Harry just couldn't wait to go to Diagon Ally. He had never been there before, mostly because his parents didn't want to draw any attention to him. Harry was nervous to go to a real, crowded place with swarms of people. He had grown his bangs out long so no one could see his scar.

Harry Potter's lightning bolt-shaped scar was one of the most noticeable things about him. The moment anyone saw him, that was most likely the first thing they would see. That was why his parents kept him out of the way, in the muggle and wizarding world. While they were at the zoo for Dudley's birthday, a few people saw the young boy with the weird mark on his head. Harry, of course, didn't notice, but his parents did. They were trying to be very protective if their unusual son.

When Harry finished getting ready, he stood up. He was wearing his muggle cloths and his round glasses. His black hair was sticking up, looking almost exactly like James did when he was eleven.


   A few hours later, the Potter's were at Ollivanders Wand Shop, the fist stop of the day. No one had noticed Lily and James' son yet, which they took as a good thing. As Ollivander came into view, Lily squeezed Harry's shoulder. She and James both remembered the day they got their wands.

Ollivander was and old man with hardly any gray hair left. He looked just as Lily remembered him. Ollivander turned to Harry and said,"Another Potter, I see." He smiled at James. "11 inches, Mahogany, Dragon Heartstring, correct?" James nodded. "And Lily, 10 and one fourth inches, willow, Unicorn tail hair?" Lily also nodded.

After many tries, Harry finally settled on an 11 inch Holly, Phoenix feather wand. Before they left, Ollivander pulled Harry's parents to the side. "What is it?" James asked in a low voice.

"Oh, I just wanted you to know that that wand," he indicted to Harry's  new wand, "is related to he who must not be named!" Lily and James exchanged a look. They had told Dumbledore everything, of course, although they had asked him to keep the details private. They didn't want anyone to think Harry was different, though they knew that he was. Dumbledore had told them, and they had noticed it, too.

"It's probably just a coincidence, nothing to worry about," James put in after a long stretch of silence. Ollivander was starting to look a bit suspicious.

Then, right at that moment, the little bell on the door rang, indicating that someone was coming in. Lily and James quickly rushed over to Harry and put their arms around him and walked out the door. As they briskly rushed away, Harry got a glance of the people coming in. It was a tall, black boy with dark hair. He looked about Harry's age, and Harry smiled at him as he and his parents quickly moved past. The boy also quickly smiled, but then his face turned to a state of amazement when he figured that the boy was Harry Potter.

And then he was gone. Harry sighed. It was times like these that he wished that he was normal. If he wasn't famous, his parents wouldn't have pulled him out of the store at the first sign of people. If he wasn't famous, the tall boy wouldn't have been so surprised to see him. He might've made a friend.

Harry Potter did not have many friends, or did he know a lot of people. He knew Sirius and Emmeline Black, and their kids, Cassandra and Fletcher. Cassie and Fletcher were the only kids Harry had ever met, and they were a bit younger than himself, as Cassie, the oldest, was two years younger than Harry. He also knew Remus Lupin, James' other friend, but not as well. The werewolf visited very rarely, doing werewolf stuff, Harry had guessed. And he knew Andella Wyers, Lily's friend. She had a kid that was going into her 5th year at Hogwarts. Her name was Adawana. Harry hadn't met her yet.
When I go to Hogwarts, Harry thought, I'm going to make as many friends as I can.

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