Chapter One, I Just Met You But I Love You

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Chapter One, I Just Met You But I Love You


“Yes Hija?”

Little seven-year-old Mariah pouted in uncomfort. “Are you sure I need a playmate..?”

Antonio blinked at that question. He then kneeled down to the little girl. Pushing up her chin, the man smiled. “Are you afraid, Hija?” Antonio’s smile even widened at the girl’s response. “Oh don’t worry They won’t bite Dear. Besides! Your hermano Juan and your hermano Andres knows them! Your mama and I used to play with them before when we were little!”

“They’re fun Mariah!” Little ten-year-old Juan said. He clinged onto Little eleven year-old Andres’ arm, who was actually mumbling Spanish curses at him under his breath. “You can even play with Lovi! He needs a playmate too! Right Kuya?” Once He looked at his Brother, the boy was spanked on the head.


“We’re too old for this Juan!”

Antonio chuckled. “Alright alright boys, stop it. Now what did your mama told you Andres?” Andres blushed in annoyance. The older man waited for an answer, that’s for sure. The little boy then sighed. “Do not hit your siblings...”

“Good boy!” Antonio said. He stood up, and looked down to his little Hija. “Are you ready Mariah?”

Mariah looked down, then to his brothers, to her father, then down again. “Y-yes...”

The brunette smiled. “Alright! Wow! We’re already here!” With their walking while talking, they didn’t even noticed theirselves already at their destination.

Out of the field, a tall tree stood in place. A picnic was there, and loads of blankets were all under the tree. Two women were there, along with six children running around. Well, five were all playing, and the other was just beside the other woman.

The woman( which was the one with the kid ) finally saw them. She smiled and began waving her arms. “We’re here Antonio!” She had long, silky auburn hair down to her shoulders, long eyelashes was covering her beautiful bright golden eyes. She wore a long teal dress up to her knees, though what with that curl stuck on her hair..? Anyway, She’s a beauty.

The other woman with her also waved one of her arms. “Ja!” She said. She had sparkling red eyes, which it matched along her blonde hair that was tied-up in a bun. She wore a black t-shirt and some jeans.

Mariah bit her lower lip. “I don’t know if pap—”

Too late, they’re already there.

Juan released Andres from his grip. “Feliciano! Felicia..!” He ran to two children. “We’re here!”

The boy and girl, which Juan called Feliciano and Felicia, smiled in delight. “Papi!” They said simultaneously as they ran towards the boy, hugging him.

Both of the kids didn’t seem different at all apparently. They both have their mother’s features, bright auburn hair with that weird curl to their left, long eyelashes. They seem fair as well.

Another kid ran in. He bumped to Felciano, causing both of them to fall on the grassy land. “Oh..! Entschuldigung[1]!” He said as he stood up, and took the other’s hand to stand him up. “I’m sorry Feliciano.. I didn’t meant to..”

Felciano giggled. “It’s alright Luddy!” He said, hugging to boy.

The boy blushed. “I-It’s Ludwig...”

“Oy! Don’t forget about zhe awesome me!”

Juan screeched as he felt an arm wrapped around his shoulders. He turned to his left to see a boy to his age, with red eyes, white, silver hair, and no one can’t ignore that smirk. “G-g-gilbert...” He stuttered.

Gilbert laughed annoyingly. “Keseses~ You think I won’t be noticed!? I’m too awesome for zhat!”

Another girl came in and kicked Gilbert’s leg. “Don’t you touch-a my Juanito!” The girl was wearing a frown, and that look can’t be a joke to anyone.

Though, She looked like Felicia, only that her hair is a shade darker, and her curl’s at her right. She wore a bright yellow dress, though she would’ve been more cute if she would just smile.

“Katarinaaa…!” Felicia ran to hug her sister, but she was just responded with a push.

Mariah just watched the others go with their business. She looked at the kid behind Feliciano’s mum, it seems like he was just too shy. “Uhm...” She started, stepping forward to him.

The boy frowned. “Go away, Damn it.”

Kind of rude.. Well, he looked like Katarina, only that he.. He has that girlish clothes with him.

Antonio just laughed it off. “Lovi, what did your papa said about making new friends?”

“I should make them mine?”

“Uhm no dear, no.” His mother said, patting his head. “Be polite.”


/So, this is Lovino…/ Mariah thought. /No wonder why kuya[2] Juan said he needs a friend../

Lovino pouted. He went out from his mama, and walked towards Mariah. “..H.. Ciao[3].” He shyly said. The boy was blushing though. “My name i-is Lovino...”

Mariah just smiled. “Hello. I’m Mariah.”

With that sight, Antonio was able to sit down next to Lovino’s mother as the couple left. “Ahh,” He started. “What a day.”

Julianna, Lovino’s mother, patted Antonio’s back. “Don’t you worry Toni, They’re just kids. We were a lot more childish than them you’know...”

“But kids these days,” Antonio said. “They’d want more bigger things. These what you called cellphones, a bigger television, even a Computer to play on!” The Spaniard sighed. “I wish they could just be like us.”

Nicole, Ludwig and Gilbert’s mother, laughed. The german looked at the kids. “How’s Amihan though?”

“Oh,” Antonio didn’t answer for a while. “She... She’s fine. But the doctor said she needs to be in the hospital for the operation...”

Nicole and Julianna looked at each other once Antonio looked down. “You’re losing her, are you..?” Nicole asked.


“Oh the crapolla[4] Antonio!” Julianna said. “We should visit her next time! She’ll be happy! And besides, look,” The Italian pointed Antonio the couple, which was getting along. “They’re just like you two, and Mariah looks more like her, don’t you?”

Antonio chuckled faintly. “I guess.. I just hope they’ll get along like Amihan and I used to.”

“Oh, I’m sure they will!”


1 – I’m sorry in German

2 – Big Brother in Tagalog

3 – Hello in Italian

4 – Crap in Italian

Lovino's Romance(Re-written )[HETALIA]{RomaPiri}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя