Chapter 1; The Forgotten Gilbert

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Percy's POV
      It was my 16th birthday. Today is going to be great. I thought to myself as I ran down the stairs. "Happy birthday, Elena!" I say as I reach the bottom of the stairs. She scowls at me and raises her middle finger. I shrug and run out the door to be greeted by the sight of my friend Tyler Lockwood's car. Inside it there was Tyler, Matt, and Vicki. I joined Vicki in the backseat. "Happy birthday!" They chorused. "Thanks, guys!" I giggled. We drove off to go have some fun.
———————The Next Day——————
     "Ugh." I groaned as I woke up with a hangover in Tyler's bedroom. The others groan too. "Oh shit, school!" I say as it dawns on me. We all get ready quickly and drive to school. I rush inside with the others and we see Elena and her group of friends. Matt kisses Elena quickly and we all rush off to class.
                         Skip School
     "Hey you guys going to the bonfire tonight?" Ty asks. "Sure." The rest of us chorus. "K see you all then! Bye!" I say and walk back home. As I get inside, I hear yelling. "I'm going to the bonfire!" Elena yells. "It's family game night!" My parents tell right back. I see Jenna and Jeremy eating chips in the corner, so naturally, I join them. "What I miss?" I ask as I get over there. "Not much." Jenna says. We eat chips until finally. "Fine go to the stupid party!" My parents finally yell. "What about me?" I say. They just give me that look that says 'shut the fuck up or else'. I chuckle and my mom smacks me upside the head as they walk out of the room. I call Matt to come pick us up and he does.
                          At the party
      I do a handstand on the beer keg for like 30 seconds and then Tyler helps me down. Elena comes storming up grabbing my hand and pulling me away. "Bye!" I say to Tyler. "Bye party girl!" He says. Mom and dad's car pulls up and I am rudely shoved in. "How rude." I mutter but they ignore me. "What happened sweetie?" They question Elena. "Matt and I broke up!" She says. "Look out!" I suddenly shout as I see a deer in the road. The car swerves and goes off Wickery Bridge. I gasp as the car hits the water and starts to sink. Mom and Elena are passed out and dad & I are awake still. "I'm sorry!" He says. "Your mother and I do love you, but we will always love Elena more than anything.". " I don't care! I already knew that. But Elena better take care of Jeremy!" I say and kick the window open and push Elena out. It a good thing she never buckles her seatbelt. I see Elena disappear and I assume she safe. "Bye." I mouth to dad and he does the same. All I see is darkness. Then
comes the light. I have a choice I realize. I can stay here as I ghost and watch over my family, or I can go somewhere else. Somewhere better. I quickly make my decision. I'm staying.

Jeremy's POV
     I wonder where they are. They should be back by know. Jenna comes out of the kitchen and I can tell by the tears streaming down her face that something is wrong. "Your parents are dead." She says. I swallow. "And Percy and Elena?" I ask. "Elena's okay." Jenna says. "And Percy?" I demand. "She's gone." And with those two words, my heart breaks into a million pieces. Jenna and Percy were the only ones that ever cared for me. When I was born, when Jenna wasn't here, Percy was the one taking care of me. She was only a few years old herself, and she always put my needs before her own. When she was five, the owner of the Grill took pity on her and gave her a job. She was working there ever since. She paid for mine and her education. We luckily got free food from the grill everyday. Somehow, we were at the hospital. I don't remember coming here. But I did. There were tears streaming down my face. "She can't be dead!" I finally cry out. We finally go to the morgue after hours of this. I see her dead body and I cry even more. She look exactly like Elena and I get so angry at this. I was the only one who ever saw what she really looked like without the dye and the contacts. When I was younger, I used to fall asleep looking at those beautiful blue eyes I loved so much. I can't believe she's gone.

Percy's POV
     I was attending my funeral today. Well, kinda. My funeral was on the same day as my parents funeral. Except for the fact that I don't  really have a real funeral. Mine was in a forest by the falls. Jer, Jenna, Tyler, Matt, and Vicki are here. All of the other people in town were at my parents. I feel loved. Jeremy had somehow found my will. Jeremy and Matt split my money equally.My cds and clothes go to Vicki. My motorcycle goes to Tyler. Jenna got all my food in the fridge.My room was to be left alone. I had built a little gazebo thing near the falls a few years back and my body was laid to rest there. After the funeral we went to the Grill. They got food and went home.
                       3 years later
      Esther was now awaken. "Damn, bitch you looking fine for a 1000 year old." I said. I was having fun for these last few years. Making comments, doing some fun things to mess with people. "Thank you for waking me. You will receive a reward." Esther said to the Salvatore's, Elena, Bonnie, and Abby. Huh, wonder what reward they'll get. Suddenly, I get jolted into my body. My eyes open and I see the beautiful night sky around me.
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