+ Chapter one +

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Aurora awoke with a jolt,she had something on her mind.The thought had been there before she fell asleep and it still is.Not that she would blame herself,her sixteenth birthday only comes once in an entire lifetime.

“One more day,one more day Aurora.” She reminded herself.Now that she couldn't fall asleep again,she decided to roam around the castle and try to play chess with one of the palace guards.

The hallway way was deserted,but Aurora made sure to swim as slowly as possible,as she didn't want to wake her parents up.The kitchen was also deserted,the garden was not.

“Excuse me sir?” Aurora called out to the palace guard who was on garden duty.He turned around and to face her.

“Are you not supposed to be in bed your highness?” He asked as he swam closer to Aurora.

“I thought that—actually I cannot fall asleep.” She complained.He stopped in front of her,he observed her closely.

“What is troubling you Rori?I am pretty sure that something is bothering you.” He said as he put a hand on her shoulder,in a brotherly way.Sympathy swam in his eyes.

“I am afraid of turning sixteen and going up to the mainland.What am I going to see up in the mainland tomorrow?” She cried into his arms.He wrapped them around her.

“Why don't we go now?You will see it is not as bad as you think.” He softly whispered into her ear as he pulled her closer to his chest.

“Will you come with me Dover?” Aurora asked.He gently placed a kiss on her forehead and smiled at her.

“Of course Rori,that's what friends are for.” Although he wanted to be more than friends to Rori.Aurora pulled away and smiled,she wiped off the tears from her purple eyes.She took Dover's hand in hers and swam closer to the palace gates.Dover opened the gates for them and Aurora zoomed out.

“It feels so amazing to be out the castle!” She giggled.It was night time here in their world,so no one was around,no one except Dover,her only friend within the castle.

“Whoa,Rori!Don't be that energetic!” Dover chuckled,and felt his mouth quirk up into a huge grin.Aurora zoomed passed him,she was laughing with glee,she has never been out the castle and today,actually tonight,was the first.

“Let's go Dover!” She grabbed his arm and started to swim upwards.She was going a bit too fast perhaps but Dover liked the thrill of it and mostly the part where Rori held his hand.

“Remember Rori,the mortal world is not like ours.Our times are not the same.Just expect the unexpected.” Dover said as he let go of her hand (he highly regretted that) and swam beside her.

“Dover,don't tell me a thing I know.I have heard stuff like these from the stories told by mother....” Aurora stopped swimming and tears formed in her eyes,how she missed and longed for her mother's touch.

“I'm sorry Rori,Queen Mirena ought to be well by the time the new moon arrives.” He pulled her into a hug.She hugged back tightly,tears falling from her eyes.

“Let's just go Dover,I've cried enough.The sun is about to rise here and the mainland might be getting darker as we speak.” She told Dover,he nodded and swam beside her,keeping quiet this time although he had this sudden urge to talk.

Aurora popped her head out of the water,the sun was setting here in the mortal world.People were starting to leave,with all sorts of objects in their hands and in containers.Dover popped out his head as well,he adjusted his glasses but things were blurry.

“I need something to wipe my glasses with.” He told Aurora,she looked in every possible direction until she spotted a boy,with something around his waist,something dry.

“Let's go ask him to wipe your glasses before he leaves.” She replied as she grabbed his arm.

“What?!Rori are you mad?!” He yelled out.Unfortunately his yelling attracted the boy's attention and he let go of his towel and swam to them.

“Swim Dover!Give your glasses here,I'll ask him to wipe them off for you.” Aurora said,grabbing the glasses from Dover's hand,his heart skipped a beat when her soft skin brushed against his own skin.

“Be careful with my glasses,they were specially made by the whales themselves.” He replied before diving under water.The boy stopped before Aurora and smiled.

“Can I help you mam?” He asked,still wearing that proud smile of his.

Hi,I hope you enjoyed the first chapter but here are a few things I would like to clarify:

Aurora called Dover sir because she thought it was not him but another palace guard.

Dover addressed her as your highness because he thought another guard might hear him.

Dover is the only friend Aurora has because her father,King Seth,is very strict when it comes to friends.

Aurora and Dover are almost at the same age.Aurora is 15 while Dover is 17.

Dover comes from a family of royal palace guards,whenever the male turns 16,he works for as a guard until he grows old or dies.The females become maids,Dover has a little sister,she is Aurora's age and is the kitchen maid.She will be later introduced in the story.

Dover and Aurora consider themselves as just friends but Dover's father think otherwise.

Those are all the stuff which will be NOT included in the story,except his little sister and father oh and his love for Rori.

Thanks for reading the first chapter and I seriously hope you enjoyed it!


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