+ Chapter four +

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That's how it felt to Aurora.She could hear and her breathing was fine.She could not open her eyes nor could she move.Everything was black and voices were pleading with her to awake.

“Merina,I destroyed all the sea apples yet how did she find one?” King Seth asked his wife who was laying beside Aurora.She looked up to him and smiled,a faint smile on her pale,blue lips.Her natural pink tail has died down to a brownish colour.

“You,” She took in a harsh deep breath.Merina coughed up blood. “You heard Maleficent,Rori is cursed.” She said and fell back unto the pillow,still breathing harshly.

The only thing (as it may seem) the disease had not affected was her speech.She spoke fluently still,and in her usual voice.Other than that,she is thin (as a stick) and her hair,tail and eyes have been drained of their once beautiful colour.The old king shook his head,trying to recall what had happened that day.

Aurora cried but soon hushed down as the three fairies hovered above her,two had already blessed her,just as the third came forth,the doors went wide open.

“How dare you not invite me to celebrate the life of your newly born?!” The evil witch trotted forward,laughed an eerie laugh and then spoke out. “Listen well my King and Queen,on Aurora's sixteenth birthday,she will eat a sea apple and die!” She waved her wand in the air,green magic flowed from her wand and landed on Aurora.Once the spell was complete,she vanished into thin air.

The green little fairy flew to the King and Queen. “Such magic,I cannot repel but I can soften the spell.” She flew closer to little Aurora.

“She shall only eat the apple and fall into a slumber true loves kiss can only break.” The green fairy said and waved her wand.

From that day on,Aurora has been cursed.Now who shall save his daughter?Who will save his precious Rori?Seth gently kissed Merina on the forehead and swam out the room.

If he needed answers,she must visit Maleficent herself.But the the thought of being in the same room as Maleficent sent shivers down his spine.

“Open the gates,I'm going out.” King Seth ordered a guard,who happened to be Dover.He swam as fast as he could to the gates and opened them. “If I am not back by midday,send all my soldiers to Maleficent's cave.”

Dover nodded and squeaked out, “Yes sire.” Dover closed the gates and rushed into the castle,once he was inside,he rushed to Aurora's side.

“Who walks there?” Queen Mirena asked with a croaky,bloody tasting,torn voice.Dover stepped forward.

“It is I your majesty,and please forgive me for this.” Dover said,swimming much closer to the Queen.

“Forgive you for what Dover?You ha—” Mirena was cut off by Dover.His eyes were white,no longer their lively blue.He had plunged a knife in Mirena's chest,just where the first heart had to be.He then stabbed her second heart.After that,knowing that they will check the memory from her eyes (that's why every single murderer is in jail),he stabbed both her eyes,but before that,he grinned.

Hi!Hope you enjoyed it and no Dover didn't kill Mirena,whatever possessed him did,but you will see later in the story.

Don't forget to go to my Twitter acc @RarityHames_ and send me those pics.I will choose the winner and announce him or her on Twitter,I hope y'all have twitter.The winner's cover will be the new cover for Taken.


1)anything to do with the ocean
2)anything to do with mermaids

Those can be used as cover pictures.But it's your choice.


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