The MJ illness..

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~OMG! whats this? an update?!?! *dramatic gasp* Yeah guys it's me! I finally have some free time, so I decided since it's a new year I'm gonna try and start fresh and try to update this book, because I really enjoy writing this, and I've noticed how many views this book has...just damn! But thanks so much guys! I know I don't update often, but I wanna write stuff that you guys will love! Anyway enough talkin..
let's get into the story!~




"*cough cough cough*"

I let out a sigh as coughs and sneezes rang throughout the second floor hallway. Somehow 3 out of the 6 of us were sick with the flu. So three of us are being nurses, while the other three are on strict bed rest. "Bri, This is it...Bad! Somebody...I ran out of tissues!" History called on a walkie-talkie we gave him so he won't have to holler from the top of his lungs, we gave all of them walkie-talkies because their voices sound like they went to a concert, shouted during 90% of it...and this is the outcome. "I'll go up this time." Bad said with a tray of soup in one hand, and the box of tissues in the other.

J5, History and Thriller have been like this for two days! J5 seems like he's getting better...but I can't say the same for Thriller and History. "Daddy...I'm exhausted." I lay my head on the nice cool marble countertop when I felt This is it's hand on my head. "I know you are, but we can't take them to a hospital or put disguise on them, they would probably get rid of all the makeup, and we can't let anybody find out about the fact that we're....y'know here!"

I gave a nod as he ran his fingers through my curly hair. "So we'll have to do what we can to nurse them back to health ourselves." I said sitting up and getting ready to make more soup. Bad came back down with empty hands. "So? How are they?" "Their getting there, J5's sniffles aren't as frequent, and his fever's gone down." I let out a sigh if relief. "Thank God, one of them is on the road to recovery." I said chopping up carrots. "What about Thriller and History?" This is asked while grabbing mugs for tea."Thriller, he's looks like he's trying to get better but his fever hasn't gone down as much, recovering really slowly, he still has a fever but it's not as high...Oh! might I also add that he is wayy bitchier than usual?" This is it and I let out a chuckle at Bad's warning for the next "nurse" who goes upstairs to checks on him.

"Thanks for the heads up" I make my way upstairs to collect anything empty, y'know empty mugs or bowls, cups ect. I slowly knock on History's door. No answer. I slowly opened the door and saw History, his hair was cut short like in Earth song, (one of my personal fave hairstyles in that era) He was wearing a white v-neck and watching BBC One... why? I have no idea.

"Um, I never said you can come in." He practically whispered. "Well, somebody has to do it, and besides you're still sick." I did what I came up to do, cleared our the other two rooms and made my way downstairs. "Damn guys, your right he is bitchier than normal." This is it and Bad laughed as I started cleaning the dishes.

*3 hours later*
We laid on the couch crazy tired. The boys ran us crazy but we managed and the three of them were finally asleep. "Thank God they're asleep!" Bad said laying on the loveseat. "What time is it?" I asked too tired to search my body for my phone. "Almost midnight." Bad said looking at the clock oven. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to bed." This is it said sliding off the couch and bidding us farewell. It was just me and Bad now. "Hey umm Bri."

Hold on....Is Bad blushing? Don't tell me he's getting sick too!

"You feel ok?" I pushed myself up off my back to get a good look at Bad' s face. "Yeah I'm fine...I was just've been a little stressed out taking care of the guys I thought that you could use a stress reliever..." I felt my cheeks heat up as Bad sat down next to me.

Wait....does he mean what I think he means?!

"Well....I have been a little overwhelmed by trying to take care of the could help....what did you have in mind?" I felt my cheeks heat up when our mirroring colored eyes met. "Oh...nothin speical...just umm you know...." He placed his hand against my cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb. I let a small but seductive smirk grow on my face as our faces we're almost inches apart. "Dammit Bad hurry up and do it." He smirked and without another word his lips pressed against mine.

Goddamn....his lips really are soft!

(I think a small smut or sexual content warning is in order, don't like it? skip past it. Anyway back to the story!)

The kiss grew in passion as he gently pushed me back down on the couch so he would be on top of me. My arms found their way around his neck while his snaked around my waist. We separated to catch our breath. "You wanna go that far??" I knew what he was talking about but shook my head no. "Not too far anyway...." He smirked and let out a deep, sexy chuckle that would make any girls heart skip a beat. "Alright then how about this, we'll keep going and when you wanna stop let me know?" "Ok, I can do that...but I think I might be coming down with something...." I gave him a cheeky wink to signal him I wasn't serious. He gave me a smirk. "Hmm, is it contagious?" "Might be." "I don't know...I don't think I wanna catch it." "Oh but...I think you already caught the virus." "Oh yeah? what's it called then?" He asked as our noses touched. "Passinamonia"

"Really?" "Shut it, I couldn't think of another name for it!" We chuckled but it was clearly obvious we were still in the mood, and surprisingly the bad joke didn't kill said mood. "Anyway...where were we?" Bad placed his finger under my chin and pulled me back in for another hot, passionate kiss. I decided to tease him by moving down to his neck and leaving soft, small kisses. I hear Bad let out a soft groan. "Damn girl...." I smriked in his neck while continuing to kiss his neck and slowly make my way back to his lips. I felt his hands slide up from my waist to the hem of my tee shirt. He looked at me and waited for an OK or Nah. I gave a slight nod as I felt my shirt being lifted up, exposing my red-laced bra. "Well...did you wear this just for me?" He asked showing how hard it was to take his eyes off my bra. "Maybe..." I felt his hands slowly spider their way under my bra, and pretty soon his hands cupped my breast and squeezes gently, mind you, he never broke that kiss. I let out a soft moan as his lips caressed mine. He was about to move his head down to give me another passion-filled dose of stress reliving, when the walkie talkie suddenly beeped causing us to stop almost instantly and made our heads turn to the walkie-talkie that sat on the coffee table in front of us.

"Anybody still up? If you are...can you make me a cup of ginger tea please? Two sugars. Thanks."

It was J5. The walkie-talkie was now silent. We both groaned slightly irritated that we couldn't continue, but we looked at each other and laughed a little, amused at how much we thought alike. we kissed one more time before Bad helped me fix up my clothes and vice versa. "You wanna make the tea or should I?" I asked now sitting up and fixing my hair. "I'll do it, you rest." Bad got up off the couch and fixed his curly hair. "You know...that "stress-reliever"did work, I feel much better now thanks to you." Bad looked back at me as his nose rubbed against mine making me giggle. "I'm glad to hear it BJ, happy to be of service." He kissed my cheek and went in the kitchen to make J5's tea. I grabbed one of the couch pillows and let out a small giggle.

What am I gonna do with these guys?

*The next morning*

"Guys! One of them's recovered!!" "What?! Which one?" "J5! He looks great!" Bad and This is it follow me up to the guest room where J5 was. We walked in and saw him sitting up on the bed looking better than ever. This is it felt his forehead. "No fever, nose doesn't look red or irritated....well he looks good to me." We all cheered and hugged happy that our efforts paid off until the door swung open and History stood there holding the door knob with a tissue. "I know you guys are happy and all, but can you please, shut the HELL up?!" with that he closed the door as we heard his footsteps down the hall .

"Well, one down, two to go" This is it said as we sighed and got back to work with a new little nurse helping us out. I've said it once...I'll say it again.

What am I gonna do with these guys?!

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