9. Paintings and More Death

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Poor France. Poor Italy. Poor countries.



Denmark sat silently. The normally cheerful nation sat scowling at the ground, thinking.

The room he was in was empty, other than a bunch of paintings hung up on the wall, each with a number.

He had already looked through them, before realizing what must be going on outside the locked door.

The first image was one of Japan looking towards them with a startled expression, the number one written above his head.

The second image was Romano, frowning. Above his head, two.

The odd ones though, were Switzerland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, China, and Spain's.

Above both Switzerland and Iceland was not a number, but a word. Really odd words.

Switzerland's was Jump, and Iceland's was freeze. Both were smiling at them, while most others looked upset or startled.

Italy's freaked him out. The usual clueless grin was twisted into a sinister expression. The frame was also gold instead of wood like the rest. There was the word target above him.

Latvia was odd as well. His number was a negative nine, and his image was only half his face, like a torn page.

China's had a number three, but his entire picture was crossed out with red paint.

Denmark found out that China must be dead or at least a target. Why else would his picture be crossed out like that?

Spain's was framed with red, the picture showing him covering his eyes, though tears lit his cheeks. He looked like he was in pain. Around the frame was a bunch of tiny little question marks.

Though he was also nervous about his own painting.

It had the number five, and his expression was a blank face staring right back at him with red glowing eyes.


Italy shook violently as Estonia yelped. Belarus flipped her knife as she watched him work. Nearby, Finland was standing with Hungary, both of their clothing ripped in many places.

Estonia was working on the insides of a door. Odd, but true. He was trying to design a door that would open to their base, the only place where the walls didn't change, and the only place he could tract the others.

Belarus and Hungary kept leaving to try and make it to the others, but barely missing by seconds. Hungary had been close to Sweden once, just missing him by the tips of her fingers before the door shut on her.

However, Italy wasn't going to be doing that.

Estonia had ordered him to go with Finland to follow Japan and Romano, maybe even tricking them into surrender.

Italy was just a decoy. The innocent player while Finland attempted to 'catch' Japan or Romano for information.

Honestly, Italy was still in shock. His best friend was trying to kill him, and his brother was helping him. China was dead. Estonia couldn't find Iceland, Switzerland, or France.

This was all just a big mess.

Estonia gasped as the wires in his hands sparked, before he carefully placed them down and closed the panel, moving back.

He whispered something, watching the knob recognized his voice and unlock.

Finland squealed and bounced over to hug the Baltic, grinning.

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