° Prologue °

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Shinhee's P.O.V.

MAY 17, 2009

It was actually one normal day in Daegu.

I was looking at the sky filling my sight with birds flying to the north.

I know I am enjoying myself too much but I have to say goodbye to someone dear to me...

Min Yoongi

How would I tell him? How would I tell him that Im moving to Seoul tomorrow?

Yoongi: I feel like I wanna go home and lay back , try to relax. Shinhee, I think you should go home.

He said while looking at me. We are at the park right now. I invited him though I know he has a lot of composing to do.

His passion for music never fades actually and I really love him.

That's why leaving you would be tough

Y/N: Uhmmm... Yoongi.

Yoongi: Yes?

You: I'm... I'm leaving.

Darn it! I think I sounded like I was about to let go a tear. What the hell ? I need to hold it back.

Yoongi: Are you going somewhere?

You: *sheds a tear*

I couldnt hold back my tears that time. I dont mind Yoongi seeing me crying like this. I just...

Yoongi: Why are you crying all of a sudden?

He wiped away my tears and started patting me on the back for comfort. My chest felt even heavier that time. I just can't .

Yoongi had been my long-time crush. He made me fall for his whole existence since the first time I entered high school. Like... Until now, he still runs in my mind.


I know he feels nothing for me. We've been bestfriends for 3 years now.

But my family needs to move to Seoul for business maters.

Yoongi: Calm yourself down okay?

You: Yoongi... if I move out to Seoul, would you still text me? I mean...

I can't speak properly now. I lost the ability to communicate well and all I feel is sadness.

Yoongi: Of course I will *smiles* Im a very cold person but you know, I will never forget you as my bestfriend.

He just made me cry even more.

Yoongi: Will you stop crying? I get it okay? You don't want to leave me here. I know how you feel.

You: Sorry I just ... I don't wanna move to Seoul. I also don't want to lose our friendship the moment we grow apary from each other...

Yoongi: I'll miss you too

His serious face just made me stop sobbing. Did I even say that I will miss him? Nah.

I blushed when he started brushing my hair with his hands so I looked away. I badly want to confess to him at that moment but I'm too emo to speak.

You: I'll miss you more.

Shit ! Why the hell did I say that?

Yoongi: To make you feel better, let's make a promise. Shall we?

You: What promise?

Yoongi: A promise that after we achieve all our goals and ambitions in life, we will go back to this spot and spend the rest of the day together.


So of course I didnt hesitate and I eventually made that promise with him.

That was the last time I saw him.

When he was closing the gates and when he let out a smile for me, it was even harder for me to leave.

He was my first love

The first guy who made
me feel unbelievable feelings

The first guy that made
me realize how sad
goodbyes are

The guy that will stay
forever in my heart....


"Don’t ever feel sorry to me
I will get to meet you again
no matter what form
Greet me happily then"


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