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i was looking down at the ground when i felt a pair of eyes staring at me i look up and see jack staring at me so i blush and look the other way and he keeps on walking

Jack Pov
I saw him the boy I am adopting he's so cute I can't believe his parents hate him why tho even tho he's transgrnder that's doesn't matter he's adorable. So I walk I'm to the venue and I spot his parents so I go over and introduce my self and I ask for the papers and I sing them so know he is Johnathan Lee Avery I can't wait to be able to tell him on stage in front of all my fans.

Johnathan Pov
They were finely letting ppl in to meet the boys and I was 10 in line so I was waiting and while I was waiting I was looking through my instagram then when I looked up I was next ( so it's was jack zach Jonah daniel) so u walk to jack and I ask for a huge and he huged me and for some reason I felt calm in his arms like he was a older brother to me, then when I am about to leave he ask for my name and I tell him and he freezes up but then almost as soon as he did he goes back to normal then I go over and do the same thing to the boys.

Skip to the concert
After everyone meet the guys they use red us in to the concert area and we waited. When the boys came on they preform something different and these gurls and then they were about to preform nobody gotta know when jack told the band to stop and he said something I never thought I would hear.
Jack Pov
We just finished something different and these girls when I told the band to stop. And I was explaining to the supporters how I have been wanting to adopt a kid and I had put an add up and I was contacted by a couple who didn't want their son and I ask the security guards to go get johnathan and when he walked up on stage I bent down and told him that he was know johnathan Lee avery.
Johnathan Pov
Jack was talking about how he was wanting to adopt then security came up and took me on stage and that's when jack told me he adopted me I was soon happy I huged him so tight and didn't want to let go and I ask him daddy can I sit up here or backstage near you?
Jack Pov
H8s,reaction was so cute and he then asked in a cute voice "daddy can I stay up fere it back stage near u" and I told him he could set backstage at the end of the stage and watch.

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