Chapter 1: Mission

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       An alarm blares in my ear once more making me finally decide to check the time. 4:55 am. I ponder this a moment. Why would I be waking up so early......? I turn over, deciding to go back to sleep until my eyes widen in surprise. 4:55 am???? The meeting starts in 5 minutes!!! What in the!!!!

        I spring out of bed, glad that for once I had all my clothes prepared the night before. A black crop top hoodie, a red tank top underneath, a pair of black short-shorts with a pair of red leggings, and to top it all off a pair of knee high converse, black fingerless gloves, and a hat that read DOOM in black and red. The hat was to hide my finger brushed hair as I flew out the door, grumbling the entire way.

     Getting to the building I lean over, hands resting right above my knees, slightly dizzy and winded. No food, a lack of sleep, and moving way too quickly for having barely woken up is always fun. Now I felt as if I knew what people late to school felt like. You are filled with Empathy. 

     Taking a deep breath I try not to grumble as I walk through the door knowing the meeting's already started.

     "(Y/N) you're finally here!" (S/N) explains happily? 

       Blueberry pouted, his hands on his hips. "As someone who's apart of our meetings you should be making it here on time."

     I rolled my eyes. If they were going to have a meeting at 5 in the morning then they could just deal with it. Not like I ever asked to join their meetings. I sighed, ignoring their stares as I sat down, right next to (S/N). 

    I barely listened to their whole meeting trying not to yawn or take a nap. Checking my phone it was 1 pm. I frowned slightly, hungry. It was supposed to last for another 4 hours and all they brought to eat was mini muffins as they discussed their plans to prevent anyone from getting hurt. When their plans actually begin to work out for them is the day I applaud them.

    By the time it hit 5 they had decided another meeting was in order and I reeeeaaaalllyyyyy needed some food. I stood up saying my goodbyes as (S/N) did the same, following right behind me. Stepping outside I'm immediately wrapped up in something and I see (S/N) at the window, a blank expression on her face.

   Her reaction causes me to scowl as I struggle to get out of what I realized were Errors strings, ignoring whatever they were blabbering on about. I wasn't surprised when I was tossed at gooey black feet, in a castle I had never seen before.

(No One's POV)

   "Sup mah dudes, they end at 5," an Edge Fresh informed them as he walked over. That had been his task to figure out. They'd, being Nightmare, Error, Fell, Dust, Horror, Killer, and Blackberry (SwapFell), had known Edge Fresh for s while now. He'd always kept tabs on them, though he never told them why or whom for.

   "Alright, that isn't too far off. Error, you better not miss," Nightmare spoke up.

   "YeA yEa, WhAtEvEr YoU sAy," Error responded rolling his pinpricks. 

   "If one of the others show up we can dust 'em right?" Dust asked, grinning.

   Nightmare just smirked. "Of course."

  "Isn't that cool Paps," Dust talked to himself. They were used to it by then.

   When 5 came around they waited, eager to see their target come out. When the door opened they were ready. Making sure it was actually the target, Error entrapped them. The girl in his clutches snapped her head back towards the window as (S/N) watched this. Edge Fresh's smirk fell as he shifted from one foot to the other, Nightmare's eye sockets narrowed. (Y/N) didn't get to struggle much before she was thrown to Nightmare's feet.

   Her first reaction was to view her surroundings and the skeletons that surrounded her. She made her gaze empty as their eyes preyed upon her.

  She decided to break the silence first. "Did ya need something?"

   "Of course sweetheart, would we bring you here otherwise?" Fell asked.

   She shrugged. "Sure, why not? You could've just brought me here because you can and nothing more. I don't know what exactly goes through your guy's minds."

   They just gave her the 'are you serious' look, which caused her to smirk.

  "anyways, if you wanted to ask me something I suggest you hurry it up or let me have something to eat. I'm really not in the mood for this right now, I might decide to test if monsters are edible. You never know what crazy things a person will try when they're starving."

   Adding to her point her stomach growled as she looked all of them dead in their eye sockets.

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