Chapter 8: Days To Come

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(No One's POV)

  With further missions on Edge Fresh's side, it was found out that an attack was indeed coming and that they only had days to finish preparing, well except those people were always prepared. The main thing that they were unsure of was what (Y/N) was thinking, and what she would end up doing with things between her sister and her being as they were. She seemed to be thinking a lot, so they did their best to support her and cheer her on, in their own weird ways.

(Nightmare's POV)

   I watched as (Y/N) walked throughout the castle, something obviously on her mind. Grabbing her by the hand, I hoped she wouldn't see the blue-ish tint on my cheekbones, while I led her way, ignoring her questions, protests, and her annoyed huffs.

   I stopped in front of the music room before letting go of her hand and pushing the doors open and walking into the grand room with her trailing behind.

   "Woah, it's beautiful." The awe in her voice making me smile. I thought she would like it.

   Finding my way over to the grand piano in the middle of the room I started to play a song. Listen to Your Heart by DHT.

   She freezes as the song starts to play, but then she starts to sing to it.

                                            'Listen to your heart before you say goodbye' 

   Once I hit the last note on the piano I see a fear tears running down her cheeks. Standing up I walk over, not completely sure of what I was doing. I place my hand on her cheek after wiping away her tears, my eye sockets searching her beautiful (E/C) eyes. Sighing I pull her into my arms.

   "You'll reach her, so don't you worry so much about it. You're feelings will reach her," I murmur into her hair. She clings to me and I can feel her teardrops fall onto my shirt as she slowly completes the hug.

   "And what if I can't? What if I'm not strong enough or if she truly hates me now?"

   "It won't be like that. You were so much closer to her then I was to Dream, so it'll all workout. Even me and Dream don't truly hate each other, I just don't know how to tell him how I feel." I started smoothing down her hair, hoping to help sooth her. I didn't particularly like (S/N) for what she'd done to (Y/N), but I understood too much of what (Y/N) had gone through to tell her that. 

   She nodded into my chest before pulling me a bit closer, her hands clenched, then backing up, a softness filled her eyes along with Empathy. I could see the tears still in her eyes.

   "If I can get through to (S/N) then I know things between you and Dream can still be fixed. When the time to talk comes, I'll be there beside you, encouraging you along."

   Her smile brought me hope, something I felt like I'd forgotten. I couldn't help but to smile back at her.

   "I hope you're right."

   She took my hand reassuringly.

   Suddenly her sweet voice was singing once again. Meet me on the Battlefield.


   'I will be your sword and shield  

   your camoflauge

   and you will be mine'

   "Come, it's time for us to meet up with the others,  so we can get a bite to eat," she told me, pulling me to the door before letting go of my hand. I hated how empty and cold it felt without her hand in mine.

(No One's POV)

   As Nightmare and (Y'N) got into the dining room, the others started to gather. (Y/N) looked at Error expectantly. He'd been helping her with the meals ever since that one meal.

   "YoU sEeM hApPiEr ThAn BeFoRe." He started. "OnCe ThIs WaR iS oVeR wHo WiLl YoU gO wItH? I kNoW tHeRe'S mOrE tHaN oNe SkElEtOn HeRe ThAt WoUlD mIsS hAvInG yOu ArOuNd"

   (Y/N) looked over at him in surprise, unsure of what to say.

   "I actually haven't really thought of leaving. It's so nice here, like I can finally breathe. You guys aren't as bad as the others think, though I never really thought you were. So, I'm not really sure. It depends on whatever happens I guess."

  Error nodded his head in understanding. "WeLl ThEn I hOpE sOmEtHiNg HaPpEnS tHaT'lL mAkE yOu StAy," he whispered.

   "Huh?" (Y/N) asked as she got the food ready. 


   She looked at him, then furrowed her brows before getting back to work." Alright, if you say so."

   Error watched her, a little more distracted than usual, worrying about what was to come. He wanted to be able to continue making and eating their meals together and he knew wasn't the only one. Life had brightened up with her like the night sky had gained the moon and the stars, finally becoming complete.

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