Chapter 5

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I took it off and saw the most beautiful thing. I never imagined that someone would do this for me. I saw all the football players holding a white rose. I saw Grayson coming from behind them. 

"Oh my god Grayson you did this for me" I ask him feeling so emotional.

"Yes I did but this is not all" he says as he turned around and gave a sign to Ethan. A few seconds later they played a video on the projector screen. We saw the video it was all the memories of me and Grayson. The video ended and Grayson walked up to me.

"Joana would you do me the honor to go with me to homecoming" he asks Grayson on one knee.

"Yes Grayson I would love to" I say excited.

I was so happy because I had never went to homecoming with no one else but my sister. The day passed by quick and I was at my locker when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I immediately turned around and saw Grayson.

"Hey gray" I say with a smile.

"Well hey gorgeous" he says with a smile also.

"What are you doing tonight" he ask.

"Umm" I say with a thinking face "Nothing."

"Well I have one last surprise for you" he says smiling.

"Umm okay" I say confused.

"Can I take you home" he ask.

"Sure" I say in reply.



Me: Hello

Gray: I'm here you can come out now

Me: Kk I'm on my way

I got in the car with Grayson. He drove for 15 minutes until we arrived at the Beach.

"Umm what are we doing here Grayson" I ask him confused.

"You'll see" he says as he unbuckles his seat belt and gets out the car.

He came around and opened the door for me and  helped me out the car.

"Well thank you" I tell him and give him a smile.

"You're so welcome" he says in return.

We walked for about 10 minutes without shoes on the shore and talked about unnecessary things. Before we even arrived where Grayson had his surprise he blind folded me again.

"Here we go again, second time today I wear this on my eyes" I say with a laugh.

"It's worth it" says Grayson as he covers my eyes.

We walked for a little bit when I felt some type of rug touch my feet.

"Okay I'm going to take the Bandana off" he says as I feel him untie the bandana off.

"Please" I say with a laugh.

"When I take it off you have to keep your eyes closed" he says.

"Ok I promise" I say to him in return.

He took off the bandana. Iwas waiting for him to tell me to open them. Everything was quiet The only thing you could here is the waves crashing.

"Okay you can open them" says Grayson.

I opened my eyes and saw something very special. Nobody had ever done all that for me. I could see something special in Grayson's eyes.

"Aww thank you so much Gray" I tell Grayson as I walk and hug him.

We sat down and talked, and talked, and talked, and talked even more. Then we ate, and then we talked a little bit more. It got really dark and I looked at my watch and it read 12:43.

"Wow I had so much fun but it's getting kind of late now" I tell Grayson.

"Wait I have one more surprise" he says as he walks a little bit down to the side. 

"What is it" I ask Gray as I get up.

"Stay right there" he tells me. He pulls out a lighter and lights up a box that seems to be fireworks. He lid them up and a few seconds later they fired. I realized that the first few spelled my name out. I kept reading them until I figured out what they spelled. I could not believe my eyes.

"So what do you say" says Grayson as he comes up to me.

"Oh my gosh Grayson I'm in shock. Nobody has never done this for me" I tell him with watery eyes.

Grayson kneels down and I start to feel even more nervous. "Joana would you be my girlfriend" he asks.

"Grayson I....."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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