Chapter one

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Important before you start reading!!

A/N: Hi guys!

If you're new to this story (in 2022 or later) - Welcome! Feel free to start reading! I hope you enjoy! :)

If you have already read this story before 2022, and are now returning to read it again - you might see that things have changed.

I have re-written the beginning of the book, but don't worry, the content is mostly the same, just written differently. When I began writing this story I was 12 years old, and the book really needed an update.

But, if you want to read the old original version: feel free to message me! I've saved all the chapters and I'll happily share them with you! :)

For now, enjoy the new, updated version of the book! <3

(I'll post the chapters again as I go)
Margot's POV

Monday morning
The first day of a new life

A new life that I honestly didn't even want.
Was my life good before?


But this most certainly wouldn't be better.

I had recently moved from Australia here to the US, with my parents. I have siblings too, but they didn't come. We pretty much moved overnight, without me ever agreeing to. It was all kept a secret to me.

Oh well

It was too late now.

Today is my first day at a new school, I'm 17 years old, so still in high school. Honestly I'm not at all prepared, and I don't know what'll meet me when I get there.

What does one wear in an American high school? Back home we had uniforms, so I honestly have no idea. What is the dress code like?

I guess I'll have to learn, but today won't be an issue, cause it's raining outside, and it looks cold.

I slowly started getting ready. Putting on some clothes.. doing my makeup.. brushing my teeth..

You know, the basics.

"Margot! Get the hell up!"  A voice yelled from downstairs.

"I am up!" I yelled back.

Way to ruin my otherwise not so happy morning.

My parents are quite the people.

My dad is a total asshole, and I don't got many nice things to say about that man. His name is Doug Robbie, and having his last name is nothing to be proud of. He's no good to me, no good to my siblings and no good to my mother. He drinks, he shouts and he hits, but still my mom keeps going back to him.

I don't know why, and it's not really any of my business either.

My mom is a good woman. Her name is Sarie, and I'm sure that she wants us all good things in life, but he's too controlling over her. Whatever she says is always overpowered by whatever he says. It's always been like that.

After getting ready I quietly snuck downstairs, trying to get out without having anyone bother me. Unfortunately for me, they both saw me and I had to get through 15 minutes of 'chatting' before I had the opportunity to leave.

I knew where the school was, but after getting there, I had no idea where to go or what to do. I was left just hanging around searching for anything that could help me figure out where I had to go.

A girl seemed to pick up at my nervous behavior, and therefore approached me.

"Excuse me" she said. "I don't think I've ever seen you around before, and you seem lost.. can I help you?"

"Yes, please.. very much" I said, very thankful for actually getting somewhere. "I'm Margot"

"Cara" she smiled. "Are you new here?"

"Indeed" I nodded. "And I have no idea what I'm doing"

"I noticed" she laughed. "Let me show you around"

Cara Delevingne - the first person to save my day that day.

Cara and I got along very nicely. We had similar interests, similar opinions, the same sense of humor and most of the same classes.

And even better - she had experience with American high schools.

She quickly showed me around the school and explained to me roughly how the system works, before bringing me back a receptionist who helped me with my schedule and all that.

Afterwards it was time for my first class. I followed Cara there, and sat next to her. The class turned out to be a math class, that I already knew would be a killer for the rest of the year.

Maths at 8am every single Monday morning.

How great

Do you want to know a similarity between Australian and American maths?

They're both boring.


Thankfully for me, lunch came around soon enough, and it was terrifying. There were people everywhere, and I was trying to get from my newly assigned locker to Cara's locker, but in the process I managed to stumble into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I apologized, looking up to see who I had stumbled into.

It was a boy.

A very attractive boy.

"It's oka-." He began, before seeing that I wasn't a familiar face. "Wait.. I've never seen you before.. are you new here?"

I had been staring at him for a couple of seconds, but I shook my head back into reality and nodded.

"Jared! What the hell is taking you so long?!" A guy yelled from the crowd somewhere.

"Coming!" He yelled back, before turning his attention to me again. "Welcome, I hope I'll see you around"

"You probably will" I agreed. "Goodbye"

I turned around, returning to my quest of finding Cara again.

"Wait.. can I get your name?" He asked.

"Margot" I said, looking at him one last time before I felt someone grab my arm.

"There you are" Cara said, holding my hand and bring me with her, so that I wouldn't lose her again. "I saw that you stumbled into Jared"

"Apparently" I said. "Who is he?"

"Jared Leto? He's a senior" Cara said. "I don't really know him, but he's one of the popular guys.. and I think his family has money"

We didn't really talk much about him after that, but one thing was for certain: he was hot.

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